35th Infantry (Cacti) Regiment Association

Cacti Guestbook

Thank you for visiting the 35th Infantry Regiment (Cacti) Association's website. Feel free to leave a message, and if you want someone to contact you, leave your email address. The Association reserves the right to edit any guestbook entry for content or length, or to reject an entry completely if it is deemed to be offensive or defamatory. It may take 24 to 48 hours for your post to appear because each post has to be reviewed due to increased spammer activity.

5942. Happy birthday to my brother Spc 4 Terry Weant. Terry was killed March 7, 1969. Missing my big brother on his birthday. We think of you every day.

Pamela Schmalzried --   -- 03/10/2025

5941. Remembering Nelson Blum, Daniel Carter, Carmelo Cordone, Gene Stringer, Ivan Steebergh and Arthur Dallison who gave their lives this week 72 yrs ago. God Bless them all. Frank Dahl Co I 35th

Frank Dahl --  United States -- 03/10/2025

5940. : I enlised in 1984 and served my first three years in the 3/35 Infantry, drilling out of East Springfield MA, before transfering to the CT Army National Guard where I finished my 20 plus.

Still have a few of the Cacti pins which were always a curiosity here in Southern New England.

Jared Stearns --   -- 03/04/2025

5939. I am remembering my Dad today and am grateful for those who were with him and have reached out through the years.

Seeking any information on a

Jim Gleason --   -- 02/25/2025

5938. I am remembering my Dad today and am grateful for those who were with him and have reached out through the years.

Seeking any information on a

Jim Gleason --   -- 02/24/2025

5937. I was surprised and happy to see my old Company Commander Capt. Robert Ord (LtG R) in my Fall issue of the Cacti Times. Chandler, Arizona isn't that far from California is it?

Allan Meyer --   -- 02/01/2025

5936. .Ralph Holtby ....sound off....a snappy slow salute to you sir...

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 02/01/2025

5935. In the latest Cacti Times I read that Ralph Holtby has passed away. I am saddened beyond words and extend my condolences to his dear wife and all of my Cacti friends who knew and will miss him.

Dave Muxo --   -- 01/24/2025

5934. Happy Birthday to you sir....Robert Paiz.....even thou i never knew of you ive since heard of your duty,honor and sacrifice for our country .... its my honor to wish you a very Happy Birthday !!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 01/17/2025

5933. I meant to get this yesterday but alas senility or something snuck up on me. Anyhow, Jan 14 was my good friend and fellow Cacti Robt. Paiz's 92 birthday. Robert was a great soldier and trustworthy to the end so please join me in wishing Paiz a Happy Birthday.

Frank Dahl --  United States -- 01/16/2025

5932. Hi, came upon this & thought I would leave a few notes. My Dad, Joseph A. DUCHARME was 18 when he enlisted & was sent to Schofield barracks in 1940. He was a private 1st class in Company K a color guard. He was there on Dec 7, 1941 when Japaneese planes staffed Schofield. Went thru intensive jungle warfare training, was sent to Guadalcanal, Dec. 1942, he was promoted to Corporal & was squad leader in active combat. Came home in late 1945.

Bob Ducharme --   -- 01/13/2025

5931. Hello and hope all are well. This is a long shot but was wondering if anyone knew my father who served with I Co. 35th Infantry Regiment in Korea from May 1952 and probably through April 1953. My father would not talk about his tour in the Korean War so thought to see if anyone is still around that may of knew him and may have some stories of his tour.

Freddie R Cooper Jr -- Woodbridge VA  -- 01/13/2025

5930. John

art hughes --   -- 01/08/2025

5929. merry xmas Grunts....and Happy New Year 2025....wow.. we have arrived....stay safe out there ....we share a bond.....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 12/26/2024

5928. .hello Grunts ....happy holidays to my Brothers in Arms ....stay safe ....querry ....who can i contact to arrange a tour of Schofield Barracks for an up coming visit ....I was there in the early seventies after the Nam until 1976....im in contact with some Arty buddies who are trying to return ...

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 12/10/2024

5927. TOM GRAGG ....roll call .....TOM GRAGG .....sound off !!!! You Sir will be missed .....Rest In Peace

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 12/07/2024

5926. .hello Brothers....be safe over the holidays ....i love you guys....dont drink too much .....remember ur liver and remember me ....NEC ASPERA TERRENT .....no fear on earth !!!!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 12/07/2024

5925. It is with great sadness that I announce the passing of my father Tom Gragg (C/2 1967-1968). His love for the association was only surpassed for his family. He passed on 13 October 2024 in Augusta, Georgia. We are currently on a twelve month wait list for him and mom to be buried at Arlington.

Jzmes Gragg -- Grovetown GA  -- 12/05/2024

5924. I am trying to get in touch with your organization in regards to a piece of memorabilia for the 35th Infantry circa 1918 but your email system is not working. Would somebody from your organization contact me at this email, please?


Susan Morrison


Susan Morrison --   -- 11/20/2024

5923. ..after the Nam in the early 70s i ended up in Schofield Barracks Hawaii....that was then and this is now ...brothers, im trying to arrange a tour of Schofield for next year for a party of 8 ...im getting negative sitrep....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 11/17/2024

5922. .Happy Veterans Day Grunts ....50 years ago we all answered the call to duty ....what we went thru then was then ....this is now ....stand tall ...CHEERS ....it dont mean nothin !!!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 11/14/2024

5921. I was a part of the 3rd of the 35th infantry army reserves springfield mass had the honor of participating the training exercise nordicsheild Iceland

Peter Vorio Jr --  CT  -- 11/11/2024

5920.  Wishing all Cacti, past and present, good health, happiness and peace especially on Veterans Day. Thanks to all for your sacrifices and service.

If our WW II forebears and ancestors comprise The Greatest Generation, it is my firm belief that you all are Thw Next Greatest Generation.

John Pipia B, 2/35 1967-68

John Pipia -- Pasadena CA  -- 11/10/2024

5914. A Big thanks to the reunion attendees for feteing my friend and fellow Cacti Robert Paiz. We were together all the way. Robert was a great soldier and has nothing but my respect. Frank Dahl Co. I 35th RCT Korea 51-52

Frank Dahl --   -- 09/27/2024

5913. .rest easy Mannix, you will be missed...go in peace brother/warrior..

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 08/31/2024

5912. Sadly, former Association treasurer Mike Mannix, HHC 2/35 1969-1970, died this morning (August 27). Mike was the retired postmaster of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Bill Henson --   -- 08/27/2024

5911. Sad reminder today that on 8/26/67 John Alamanza and Rim Dungey were KIA patrolling around LZ Bronco at Duc Pho. They were with D Company, 1/35. I trained with both and sailed with them on the USNS Upshur to Qui Nhon. They were good men.

Gary Dittmer --   -- 08/26/2024

5910. Served in C Co 3-35th Infantry, 187th Infantry Brigade (Sep) USAR at Westover AFB, Chicopee Massachusetts from 82-84. Went active duty in 84 and ended up at Schofield Barracks. Was hoping for 1-35th to be consistent but ended up in the 1-27 INF for 3 years in D Quad with the 35th.

Paul Desautelle -- Washington MA  -- 07/10/2024

5909. happy Fourth of July 2024 to the best above the rest combat arms unit in the US Army.....stay safe Bros.....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 07/03/2024

5908. My Uncle William Lund was killed in the battle of One Niner. Did you know him? Were you involved in this battle? If so please reach out.



Mike -- Sewell NJ United States -- 06/26/2024

5907. My wife Jan and I recently returned from touring the Normandy Battlefields.

The experience was both emotional and visceral. No photo's movies or essay's

quite grasp the scope and ferocity of the campaign. If ever the opportunity

it's worth the effort.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC United States -- 06/23/2024

5906. ..bros...cant make the September Reunion in Texas ...thats ok but remember my service with the wolfhounds of the 27th and then the Cacti of the 35th of the 25th Infantry Division....1970 thru 1976....Go Army beat Navy !!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/21/2024

5905. All most 80 and still kicking.

Frank A Lynn -- Rock Hill SC  -- 06/11/2024

5904. .i never knew Johnny Salas....he jumped into the night ...but i often wondered ...did his chute open did he land safely and how did he die ...funny how life goes go and these things matter less and less....but still i wonder...

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/10/2024

5903. .when Salas jumped into the night my dad was already a POW in Japan .....they were drinking buddies .....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/08/2024

5902. Johnny S

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/08/2024

5901. .on this 80th anniversary of DDay ....i will remember my uncle Johnny Silva of the 82nd Airborne ...who jumped into the night and never to be heard or seen again ....to my uncle.....i never knew you......

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/08/2024

5900. In remembrance of Herbert Horner B 2/35 who died in the service of our country June 5, 1970. Cacti Forever. Rest in Peace.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 06/05/2024

5899. : In remembrance of Robert (Bob) Guinn B 2/35 who died in the service of our country June 4, 1970. Cacti Forever. Rest in Peace.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 06/04/2024

5898. I just finished writing another poem about the 35th reunion of the Cacti at San Antonio TX on Sept 5th to the 8th

. I would like to post this p-oem on the web site so that other Cacti soldiers or family can read my poetry

Wayne D Lund --   -- 06/04/2024

5897. On this eve of Memorial Day 2024, I want to pay special respect to all our fallen brothers and their families and to especially remember Jake Price and Steve Illman, fine, young soldiers of B Company, 2/35th, who sadly gave their lives on January 2, 1968.

They will never be forgotten and will live forever in our hearts and minds.

Best to all Cacti,

John Pipia, B Company, 2/35th Infantry, 1967 - 1968

John Pipia -- Pasadena CA United States -- 05/27/2024

5896. on this day memorial day 2024 i will take a moment and pay respect to post 5893 Ledesma Jr ....the ultimate sacrafice and a true hero in my book...a snappy salute to you and ur family ....i never knew you but i was there....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/27/2024

5895. a snappy salute to all our fallen heros on this memorial day 2024 ...those who gave the ultimate sacrifice....their lives for our continued freedom.....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/27/2024

5894. Today is May 26, 2024, and it was a glorious day. I was with Gold Star sister Nancy Waller and family. Nancy is the sister of KIA Michael Branin Jr. C 1/35. Mike was honored with a short parade that included Boy Scouts, Monroe Twp Mayor and many veteran organizations. The National Anthem was played by the High School band, and the American Flag was folded by Rutgers University ROTC cadets. The flag was then presented to Nancy by Myles Cappiello SMG (USA Ret.) A wooden frame for the flag was presented to Mike's niece Joan. Tomorrow Mike, I will be marching in your honor and all veterans who made the ultimate sacrifice in the Jackson Twp. Memorial Day Parade.

Timothy S Baranyay -- Whiting NJ United States -- 05/27/2024

5893. On this day, 20MAY67, my oldest brother Joseph Ledesma Jr. (C/2-35), was killed in the battle of Vinh Hien. He was 20 years old. He is always loved, dearly missed, and remembered. Also killed were Roland Rush, and Gary Killian.

I recently made contact with a 'Nam friend of Joey's who was there on this day, Rob Burgess. We have plans to meet in early June. Looking forward to it!

David Ledesma -- San Jose CA United States -- 05/20/2024

5892. In remembrance of Charles Bazzinotti and Paul Ramos B 2/35 who died in the service of our country 54 years ago May 13,1970. A tragic helicopter accident upon return from the Cambodia Incursion of May 7, 1970 to May 13, 1970 claimed their lives. Mission accomplished. Rest in Peace.

In remembrance of the comrades whose lives were lost and sustained injuries during the same helicopter accident May 13, 1970. Tribute and honor to the heroic efforts of the brave comrades in rescue and life saving efforts. Duty, honor and country.

Cacti Forever.

John Linn B 2/35

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 05/13/2024

5891. post 5890....friendly fire ???? wow...reminds me of when i was fragged....friendly fire not too friendly.....thats the price grunts pay ....out in the open .....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/10/2024

5890. Remembering my good friend Richard, for years Doc. Hall would put an article in the local newspaper, he would honor him and his family. I took that assignment over after Doc. passed away on December 6th 2018. I have been blessed getting to know his family and friends over the many years that I made that trip to Adams Mn. We gathered the entire Matheis family and told them the truth about how Dick was killed. He was listed as small arms enemy fire, it was friendly fire.

First platoon salutes you today on May 8th and every day.


Alan Olsen --  United States -- 05/09/2024

5889. The passage of time does not diminish the memory of fallen comrade

Richard Matheis B 2/35 who died May 8, 1970 in the service of our country during the Cambodia Incursion. Rest in Peace and Honor.

Cacti Forever.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 05/07/2024

5888. I am looking for any Cacti members who live in NJ close to Monroe Twp, Middlesex County. There will be a color guard and presenting the American Flag to a Gold Star sister of Michael Branin KIA Nov 13, 1968, C Co. 1/35 on LZ Jean. If anyone is interested and can come it would be great. The location is Clearbrook 55+ Community, 1 Clearbrook Dr. Monroe, NJ 08831 on Sunday May 26, 2024, at 9:00 AM. I was with Mike on LZ Jean when he was killed and I brought him home at the request of his parents.

Tim Baranyay -- Whiting NJ United States -- 05/06/2024

5887. Correction to entry of 04/05 is as follows. Yesterday Larry Luscri and I were at Arlington National Cemetary to pay our last respects to Sp-4 William(Bill) Keller. We were introduced to a large group of his Family to include his Wife Darlene, his Mother, Son,Sister and Grandchildren prior to the Service. Rest in Peace Brother. We have taken over your Watch. Tom Gragg, 2nd Plt. C Co. '67/.68.

Tom Gragg -- Harrisburg PA  -- 04/12/2024

5886. Yesterday Larry Luscri and I were present a Arlington National Cemetary in order to pay our last Respects to SP-4 William

Tom Gragg -- Harrisburg PA  -- 04/05/2024

5885. remember TigerLand ....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 04/04/2024

5884. .on ur feet Grunts....Happy 2024 Vietnam War Veterans Day .....it was a long time ago...but we did our best....stand tall....

Larry Frias --   -- 03/29/2024

5883. In memory of Larry Comis B 2/35 who died in the service of our country 54 years ago today, March 24, 1970. Rest in Peace.

John Linn --   -- 03/25/2024

5882. ...hello there...my name is Larry Frias Jr and my post are not posted as of late....am i doing something wrong .....WTF....pop smoke ...help a Vet...

Larry Frias --   -- 03/14/2024

5881. The Association mailed two flyers recently, one to annual members that need to pay dues and one that was mailed to Life, Family and annual 2024 members asking for donations.

The mailing company screwed them up and my phone has been ringing steadily.

So, if you receive the wrong one this is why.

Doc J --   -- 03/06/2024

5880. The second week of March brings back some sad memories, even though it was 72yrs ago this old guy will not forget the event nor the men. My good friend Nelson Blum was KIA and later four more men of my Platoon were also KIA. Daniel Carter, Gene Stringer, Carmelo Cordone and Ivan Steenbergh were friends, good soldiers, and all too young to meet this fate. May they rest in peace. Frank Dahl Co. I 35th

Frank Dahl --   -- 03/04/2024

5879. wow...imagine that Lee....both you and Sykes served in the third platoon together in the Nam and now hes gone....im sure he will be missed ...and im sure you will forever miss him and remember him....a snappy salute to you both from me.....

Larry Frias --   -- 03/04/2024

5878. : I was Informed today that Dennis Sykes B 2/35 68-69 passed away at 12:45 pm from stomach cancer. Condolences go out to his wife Linda and family. May he rest in peace. I remember him well as we both were in the 3rd platoon together at the same time.

at the same time. He was a good guy that will always be in my thoughts.

together at the same time. He was a good guy that will always be in my thoughts

Gary W Lee --   -- 02/19/2024

5877. February 16, 1968 fifty six years ago Bill Greenwell was KIA by a mine. Never forgotten, rest in Peace.

Phil Landis --   -- 02/06/2024

5876. just checking in with the brothers

ernest correia -- Marion MA  -- 01/31/2024

5875. Last name is Krout not Kraut ... but I do remember .... long time ago ---- in a land far, far away ....

H Krout --   -- 01/29/2024

5874. Bobby Day .you should know that Howling is no longer suffering and you should also know that his legend as a Soldier in the 25th Infantry Division lives on.....

Larry Frias --   -- 01/27/2024

5873. Lost a great friend yesterday. Hal Bowling Not only was a great friend he was a great soldier in Vietnam serving in A co. 2/35 66-67. No more pain and suffering rest in peace. Bobby Day A co. 2/35 66-67.

Bobby Day --   -- 01/16/2024

5872. I did not know him however I now know of his legend ...LT Mosley Platoon Leader Charlie Company 2/35 Infantry Regiment of the 25th Infantry Division ....hit by a car crossing the street ...LT Mosley Sound Off ...Formation....LT Mosley sound off .......i did not know you back then but now I see you .....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 01/13/2024

5871. Lt. Mosey will be missed by all that knew and loved the man, It's sad the way he was killed in an auto accident, crossing a street while walking for rehab from a knee replacement.

Rest in peace my Brother,


Alan Olsen --   -- 01/07/2024

5870. Rest in peace brother, I was so happy to talk with you 1 month ago and to hear that your recovery from the knee replacement went well and your rehabilitation was going well.

I was hart broken to hear about LT. Ed Mosey death the other day. Crossing the street in a marked crossing and hit and killed by a driver not paying attention. It is the law in Oregon that you must stop if anyone is in the crosswalk. How sad to lose a kind and loving friend for over 54 years this way. I will miss you Ed. Love you my friend. Rest in peace brother. Cacti forever

Tom Mahon --   -- 01/03/2024

5869. I was wondering if anyone knew my Uncle Joe Bugnitz. He was a medic with Charlie Company, 2/35th Infantry. I would love to hear some stories as i have always looked up to him and sadly he passed away last month. Thank you all for your service and sacrifice.


Shawn Plummer --   -- 12/31/2023

5868. My dear friend Ed Mosey died yesterday crossing the street in Astoria Oregon, struck by a car. Ed was a plt leader 69/70 in Vietnam with Bravo company 2/35 inf and his leadership saved many lives. May he rest in peace as he deserves. Al

Al Arroyo --   -- 12/31/2023

5867. ...MERRY XMAS and HAPPY NEW YEAR 2024 to all my fellow grunts ...you know who you are...stand tall brothers...be safe and steady in the line.....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 12/31/2023

5866. Remembering Thomas Pakula B 2/35th who was killed in the service of our country December 27, 1969. Rest in Peace Patriot

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 12/27/2023

5865. I was unable to attend the last reunion and Don Johnson informed me that there were no WW2 or Korean WAR members in attendance. Robert Paiz and I are planning to go to San Antonio next year and we would like to invite any and all WW2 and Korea Vet members to join us. It is hard to say this but we dinosaurs from those fracas are not getting any younger. Frank Dahl Co.I

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT USA -- 12/06/2023

5864. November 14, 1967 Fifty Six years ago today marks a sad day fro the Cacti.

Let us remember and never forget our fallen comrades.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC USA -- 12/06/2023

5863. VETERANS DAY 2023! Honoring and remembering all veterans present and past. Cacti Forever

John Linn -- Land O Lakes FL USA -- 12/06/2023

5862. Thinking of and want to remember all our Cacti Brothers this Veterans' Day and especially those that made the ultimate sacrifice and Steve Illman and Jake Price as well as those who have passed since the War, including Rick Brame, Ray Tirva, and Chuck Laws. We can never honor them enough for all they have done for us and our Country.

John Pipia --   -- 12/06/2023

5861. Have been a member now for many years, lost contact with association, want to be reinstated as a life time member

Wayne D. Lund -- San Antonio TX USA -- 12/06/2023

5860. ...it saddens me to see all the fallen ....ur sacrifice does not go unnoticed ...the Army of the Pacific salutes all the fallen Soldiers ...

Larry Frias Jr -- KIngsland TX United States -- 09/15/2023

5859. In memory of Paul Demaline A 2/35 and Robert Ater A 2/35 who perished in the service of the country and the men injured in a mishap of a helicopter crash. The field forward flight was in route to the rear area on August 17, 1970. Paul Demaline and I trained in the same basic training and 11B AIT companies. We departed to VN on the same plane expecting to depart VN on a Freedom Bird stateside. I spoke with Paul Demaline before he boarded the ill-fated helicopter to the rear area observing the lift off and travel onward out of site.

Paul Demaline and I both were to DEROS on September 7, 1970. Patriots Forever in Honor and Glory. Rest in Peace Cacti. Salute.

John Linn -- Land O Lake FL United States -- 08/18/2023

5858. First of all I am saddened to hear of the passing of Roberto Gonzalez, a man I served with in Hawaii and in Vietnam. He was the XO's driver and a nicer guy you couldn't find anywhere.

Now for those of you who missed out on the chance of winning the Cacti quilt in last year's 50/50 raffle, I won it, but will be returning it this year so someone else can have a chance at winning it. I am also bringing some glasses my niece bought. She originally gave me two glasses for my birthday and I told her it would be a great idea if I could bring some to my next reunion to give away in the 50/50 raffle. Today she sent me eight of them. Etched on the side of each cocktail glass is...ARMY. Because no one ever played navy as a kid. She has donated them to all of you guys of the 35th Infantry Regiment. Good luck.

Allan Meyer -- Ingleside IL  -- 08/08/2023

5857. Roberto L Gonzales San Benito, TX a life member since 2015

Roberto passed away August 3rd in was a member of C company 2/35th 64-66

Funeral Schedule

Monday, August 7th Viewing from 11am to 4pm followed by a Rosary That same evening from 7pm to 8:30pm. Buck-Ashcraft San Benito Funeral Home, 1400 US Hwy 77 at Oscar Williams Road, San Benito, Texas 78586

Phone 956-361-9192

Tuesday, August 8th Mass at 10am at St Benedicts Catholic Church, 351 S Bowie St, San Benito, Texas 78586

Burial will be at Ft Sam Houston National Cemetery 1520 Harry Wurzbach Rd, San Antonio, TX 78209 on August 10th at 10:15am

Phone 210-820-3891

Doc J -- Baton Rouge LA United States -- 08/06/2023

5854. My husband MSG Richard Brouillette, Ret Served with Cacti in Vietnam 69-70. Rich joined your organization 10:13 years ago I don't even remember now how long it's been and I came along with him to several of your reunions in in Missouri, Kansas city, Branson and perhaps one other place. Ran across a letter and decided to notify you all of my husband's passing the 9th September 2021. Richard developed Alzheimer's around 2013-2014 and with complications in regards to a back injury from being blown out of a helicopter in Vietnam during his tour several complications resulting from those surgeries did not help his Alzheimer's he did not pass of covid even though this was in the middle of it but he developed severe pneumonia as a result of the Alzheimer's. He loved being a member of the cacti and when he was able to he followed everything you did through your newsletters. I thought you should know of his passing. I'm sure that you have our old mailing address we still live in the same place however we have new updated 911 addresses. Thank you

: Nina Brouillette -- Wheatland MO  -- 08/01/2023

5853. Served with A Co., 2 Bn, 35th Inf from May 1966 - June1967. I was assigned to the machine gun squad. Would like to know of anyone out there who may have have served

been in the unit at that time.

Stanley B Roberts -- Allen TX  -- 07/16/2023

5852. ..just wanted to reach out and express my one hundred per cent appreciation for the best Regimental Association on this planet ... Bar None

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 07/16/2023

5851. The traveling Viet Nam memorial wall was here last week and I had a chance to visit it. I had been to the wall in D.C. several year ago but this had some displays that weren't available in D.C. It's a sobering experience. I would recommend it to anyone who has a chance to see it. I am proud to remember Raymond Poncurak 8/27/66: Charles Barrett, Richard Hutchinson, Stephen Burlingame, La Marre Major, Lamar Horne and Douglas Stegall 3/12/67. I am proud to have served with them and may they rest in peace

Vaughn D Brauer -- Boise ID  -- 07/03/2023

5850. Comment: ....Gentlemen ...my apologies...for my previous post ...i'll keep it civil....lets all have a happy and safe FOURTH of JULY....I love this website and its Absolutely the Greatest Regimental Association on the World Wide Web....Take Arms !!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 07/01/2023

5849. .hey grunts....pop smoke if you've evered shouldered a weapon ...and did you ever return fire .....in the Nam ..... (I am starting a thread)

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/27/2023

5848. hello grunts...Happy Happy Fourth of July 2023 ...lets be safe as we all celebrate this upcoming weekend...and to all you 11Bravos out there keep ur edge on....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/26/2023

5847. : congratulations to all the scholarship winners ....you deserve it....and best of luck to you all...now go and study hard...remember, Nec Aspera Terrent !!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/26/2023

5846. Below are Cacti Scholarship Winners




Association Relative



High School Grad

RE Dannhaus Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,500.00

Doc Hall Award



High School Grad

Ken Smith Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,000.00



High School Grad

Theodore Balzarini Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,000.00



High School Grad

James Fortune Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,000.00



High School Grad

Gary Ricker Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,000.00



High School Grad

Richard Nilsen Grandfather Life Member

$ 2,000.00

Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. IN United States -- 06/17/2023

5845. Thank you all for your service! I'm so glad to have found this website. My father, John Cabeen passed away when I was young (8). I never knew much about his service only that he had served in Vietnam, was shot and received a Purple Heart. I had a Purple Heart certificate with his name for wounds received on March 22, 1967, but could never find anything about that date or what unit he served with. I had no luck with regular google searches for his name. I happened to luck out with a google search on his name under images when an issue of the Ivy Leaf newsletter came up. The August 13, 1967 edition of the Ivy Leaf indicated SSG John M. Cabeen Co C, 2nd Bn, 35th Inf received the Purple Heart. I now believe the date on the Purple Heart certificate was wrong and probably should have been March 21, 1967. Thank you so much for maintaining this website so I could solve this piece of my puzzle.

Justin Cabeen -- Lincoln NE  -- 06/16/2023

5844. Arnold's post 5385 pretty well encapsulates many of my thoughts as well. A good read, thanks Dick always appreciate your insight. V/r, Phil.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC United States -- 06/13/2023

5843. It saddens my heart to tell you SGT Ken Whitmier has passed away at 05:45 this morning. He will be missed by many.

Rocco P DeRosa (Doc) -- Fountain Hills AZ United States -- 06/10/2023

5842. June 8th,1966......C Conpany 1st/35th outside Duco.

Action that day still not substantiated ??? NVA was in area, maybe probes?

Wia along with others, point man Stephens.........from Lewisville Tx??



Robert Stedman -- Columbus OH  -- 06/06/2023

5841. In memory of Herbert Horner, B 2/35 who died in the service of our country, June 5, 1970. Rest in Honor and Peace.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 06/05/2023

5840. In memory of Bob Guinn B 2/35 who died in the service of his country this day June 4, 1970. Rest in Peace.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 06/05/2023

5839. Dick Arnold's entry of his thoughts of Viet Nam was a very thought provoking and would bring back memories to any veteran especially those who were in combat, Nam, Korea WW2 or the War on Terror. Frank Dahl Co. I 35th Korea 51 52

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT United States -- 06/02/2023

5838. Looking for any information on my grandpa. His name was Victor Fuentes. The only information I have, is that he was awarded a purple heart for his injuries he obtained in the North Korean Sector on February 29, 1952. He was a field wireman. Any help/information would be greatly appreciated.

Haylee Edds --  Ar  -- 06/02/2023

5837. .post 5835 Dick Arnold....well put...re: the soldiers of the vietnam war...an unwinnable war...indeed sir valor has a worth of its own...and to those soldiers of that vietnam generation their valor will be remembered and never forgotten because of efforts such as yours ....thank you for your service

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 06/01/2023

5836. My dad, Daniel Gleason, wrote this a week before he was killed. Feburary 15, 1969

A young boy passed away today. He put it out in an unselfish way. And knowing him rather well I think I know what he might say.

I died so my country could remain free. I do not want tears of pity just friends to remember me.

I will miss my town, the friends I had, the parties and the summer nights. That special girl, our silly fights.

And though I will not return alive and well, I know that in my loved one's hearts I shall dwell.

She will find me there in the tall oak trees, in the morning sun, on the evening breeze, for these represent freedom and free am I.

So, do not stand over my grave and cry. As long as America is free, I am not dead, I did not die

Jim Gleason -- Casper WY United States -- 05/29/2023

5835. Those of us who served in Vietnam left that distant place, one way or the other, more than 40 years ago. But for many, the Vietnam Experience still hovers at the edge of our consciousness; as though it all happened just yesterday.

The smell of wet grass after a summer storm, the echo of a distant helicopter thumping its way through a morning sky, the image of a tree line silhouetted against a bank of rain clouds on a humid afternoon, any of these might carry us back in an instant. That said; it would be wrong for non-veterans to presume that such flashbacks are inherently unpleasant, wrenching experiences. Frankly, I am of the opinion they take veterans back to the good far more often than to the bad. In fact, stereotypes of the Vietnam veteran notwithstanding, I am also convinced that the war emotionally strengthened many more of us than it might have damaged or destroyed.

Though an infantryman who experienced his full share of traumatic events, I can only tell you that my war was indeed filled with far more laughter and wonder than it was with tears and horror.

Nothing in my lifetime has ever approached the intensity of emotion, or heights of experience, of that which painted the 12 months I spent in the jungles and mountains of that far-away land. Nothing. It is also true that I would not part with those memories for the world, and experience tells me that I am not alone in that regard.

The soldiers of the Vietnam generation had the ill luck to draw a bad war, an unnecessary and unwinnable war; a tragic, terrible mistake. But valor has a worth of its own; and ours deserves to be honored and remembered.

Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. IN United States -- 05/29/2023

5833. On Memorial Day 2023 I will pause to remember my Uncle Johnny Serna of the 82nd Airborne who dropped into the night over Normandy France never to be seen again to this day...and my other Uncle Guillermo Mo Frias who stormed the beach at Omaha later that morning only to lose his leg from the knee down because of some German machine gun fire ...and lastly my dad Lorenzo Frias captured POW of the Japanese at Corregidor Island in 1942 and shipped off to Japan where he spent the entire war in captivity until the bomb drop over Hiroshima ...

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/28/2023

5832. On this Memorial Day, I want to especially honor Jake Price and Steve Illman, fine young men and soldiers, who made the ultimate sacrifice in a battle in the Que Son Valley, South Vietnam on January 2, 1968.

They will never be forgotten and will live in our hearts and minds forever.

God bless them and may they rest in peace.

John Pipia, B Company, 2/35th

John Pipia -- Pasadena CA  -- 05/27/2023

5831. On Monday, Memorial Day May 29, 2023, I will be marching in memory of Mike Branin KIA November 13, 1968, on LZ Jean. It's been 55 years Mike and it seems like yesterday. What a dreadful day.

Timothy S Baranyay -- Whiting NJ  -- 05/25/2023

5830. 20MAY67, on this day 56 years ago my oldest brother, Joseph Ledesma, Jr., member of C-2/35 was killed in the Battle of Vihn Hien. Also killed were Roland Rush and Gary Killian. We continue to love and miss Joey very much.

David Ledesma -- San Jose CA  -- 05/20/2023

5829. Gentlemen...im truly sorry about that last comment ...didnt mean to go there ...Cacti Forever ....

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/19/2023

5828. Comment: ....on ur feet grunts... formation...experts say that we have to put it all behind us and move on , but how do you do that when youve lost a brother whos missing in the ranks.... because the experts never deployed and most certainly have never shouldered a weapon and I say here am I , send me, ...hang onto those cherised memories grunts because .... thats all we have.......

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA United States -- 05/14/2023

5827. In remembrance of Charles Bazzinotti and Paul Ramos B 2/35 who died in the service of their country 53 years ago May 13, 1970. A tragic accident upon returning from the Cambodia Incursion of

May 7, 1970-May 13, 1970 claimed their lives. Rest in Peace.

In memory of the additional men whose lives were also lost and those that sustained injury in the event of the accident. Tribute is paid to the heroic efforts of the men in rescue and life saving efforts.

Unwavering in the line of duty, honor and country.

John Linn B 2/35

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 05/13/2023

5826. In memory of Richard Matheis B 2/35th who died May 8, 1970 in the service of his country during the Cambodia Incursion of May 1970. Rest in Peace and Honor.

John Linn -- Tampa FL United States -- 05/09/2023

5825. 3/35th 187 INF BDE (SEP) Breakfast

April 27 Thursday 0900 Copperline Restaurant

409 Broadway Street

Chicopee, MA

George Randall -- Granby MA  -- 04/20/2023

5824. Echo Company, 2/35th Infantry patriots 1LT Larry Thode and Sgt. Jeffery Freeman died 08.04.1970 are remembered for their sacrifice to duty, honour and country. Rest in Peace.

John Linn -- Bowling Green OH  -- 04/08/2023

5823. .Happy Easter 2023 , to the Best Combat Infantry Regimental Association!!!! Enjoy your Easter Egg Hunting...dont hurt yourselves and stay safe !!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 04/07/2023

5822. In memory of those lost April 5 and 15, 1968, 1/35 Mile High. Rest in peace.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC United States -- 04/06/2023

5821. To all the men who survived the battle on Hill 1062 NE of Polei Kling (sp) March-April 1968 from Alpha, Charlie and Delta Companies, 2/35th. Let us remember and Honor our KIA's and WIA's and give Thanks to the crew of the B-57 Canberra that put that put the 1,000 lb. bomb on target ending the battle. Let's not forget we won every firefight engagement we encountered! Every named Cacti on our roster is a Hero and a Brother!

John (Jack) Anderson -- Cameron Park CA  -- 04/02/2023

5820. In memory of Sgt. Stephen Charles Jeffrey Co B 2Bn 35th Inf Reg 4th Inf Div

Served in Vietnam from April 24, 1967 to April 27, 1968 in Pleiku, Doc Pho and Quang Nai. He was called home June12, 2022

If anyone has a copy of his Company roster, I would greatly appreciate it.

Helene Jeffrey --   -- 03/26/2023

5819. In memory and honor of Larry Comis B 2/35 who died in the service of our country on March 24, 1970. Rest in Peace Patriot

John Linn -- Bowling Green OH  -- 03/24/2023

5818. My uncle, SGT Lawrence J. Robidoux's remains were positively identified on 1/24/2023. I am his nephew and Primary Next of Kin. My family and I are planning a celebration of his life and his re-reinterment.

Sergeant Robidoux was a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. On November 27, 1950, he was taken Prisoner of War and was held at prison Camp 5. He died while captive. His Sergent, Harley J. Coons assisted in my uncle's burial at Camp 5.

Apparently, his remains were originally recovered but not identified in 1954 during Operation Glory and buried at Punchbowl as unknown.

In 2019 DAPA MIA/POW oversaw the exhumation on several hindered remains for the purpose of identification using modern techniques.

First, I wanted to share the joyful news with any of your members who may have known SGT Robidoux and second, I wanted to see if anyone had any memories, pictures or other memorabilia that they were willing to share with his family.

Thank you,



CPT, USA (Ret.)


(520) 405-7700

Larry Couture --   -- 03/22/2023

5817. In memory of all those brave men lost 56 years ago during the battle near Pleiku on March 11 and 12, 196

Glenn A Perrone -- Ridgewood NJ  -- 03/12/2023

5816. In memory of members of my platoon who lost their lives 71 years ago this week. Nelson Blum, Daniel Carter, Gene Stringer, Carmelo Cordone and Ivan Steenbergh, may they rest in peace. Frank Dahl Co. I 35th RCT

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 03/10/2023

5815. Prayers for my Dad today as we remember his life and service.

Thanks to those who served with him.

Meeting you and keeping in touch has been a blessing.

Jim Gleason -- Casper WY  -- 02/24/2023

5814. My uncle, Sergeant Robidoux was a member of Company B, 1st Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment, 25th Infantry Division. On November 27, 1950, he was taken Prisoner of War and was held at prison Camp 5, North Korea. Prison Camp 5 and died while captive in 1951. His remains were identified on 1/24/2023. We are planning a celebration of his life and funeral. Would appreciate any photos memories or simular materials. Thank you.

Larry Couture -- Vail AZ  -- 02/18/2023

5813. I was an interrogator with the 4th Division Intelligence Detachment at Pleiku. I operated mostly out of 1st Brigade at An Khe. On January 19, 1970, I was with C/2/35 when we lost 5 brave American heroes. I honor their memory every year on that date. I was on operations with other units of the 35th during my year there. While not officially a brother of yours in the 35th, I feel like maybe I am a cousin. Stead Fast and Loyal. God Bless you all.

SP5 Gary Kraft

Gary Kraft -- Lincoln NE  -- 02/14/2023

5812. Bill Greenwell D1/35 KIA February 16, 1968. Rest in peace.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 02/13/2023

5811. If anyone bought 50/50 raffle tickets on the quilt that was won by me in our reunion in September of 2022, take heart. Since I really have no use for it I've decided to give it back to the association and let the members have another shot at winning it. I also won two Cacti mugs, but I had a little raffle of my own and gave one of them away to someone at my dinner table. I'm keeping the other one. See you in Charlotte.

Allan Meyer -- Fox Lake IL  -- 02/06/2023

5810. Stumbled upon this website looking for information on my Great-Uncle, SST Paul O. Brown. 3rd PLT, CO B, 1 BN, 35th IN, 3d BDE TF, 25th Inf Div. KIA 11/20/1966. My Grandmother, (his older/only sister) got dementia when I was a teenager and it was something that she never wanted to discuss, or when she could, she couldn't remember. She passed away on the 26th of December of 2022. I've always been fond of history and compiling family history, and in both his and my grandmothers honor, I wanted to pursue this so that Paul wont be forgotten to history. I've enjoyed scrolling through all the stories you all have posted, and hope this all finds you well. Thank you all for your Service and God Bless!

Silas McGee -- Florence AL  -- 01/16/2023

5809. B Co. 1/35 th Inf 1977-1982

John L Quintana -- Denver CO  -- 01/07/2023

5808. I would like to pay special tribute today, January 2, 2023, to two of our fallen Cacti brothers who paid the ultimate price on January 2, 1968 in a day long battle in the Que Son Valley in Vietnam.

These fine young man will never be forgotten and will live forever in our hearts ands minds.

Best wishes to all for a New Year filled with good health, happiness, and peace.


John Pipia

B Company, 2/35 - 1967-1968

John Pipia -- Pasadena CA  -- 01/02/2023

5807. Happy New Year Cacti. Make 2023 the best year ever and if you suffer with chronic pain remember, motion is lotion :).

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 01/01/2023

5806. In memory of Thomas Pakula B 2/35 who died in the line of duty in service to his country on December 27, 1969. Rest in Peace.

John Linn -- Bowling Green OH  -- 12/27/2022

5805. Just want to wish my Cacti brothers and sisters a very Merry Christmas and the Happiest of New Years. Here's to a blessed and peaceful 2023.

Mike Slyck -- Walnut Grove NC  -- 12/26/2022

5804. When I sent Dave Muxo the pictures taken at the Billings Reunion I failed to put sub titles on them, the Paiz Family and the Dahl's got together in my backyard. It should be easy to spot two ninety year olds from I Co. Korea 51-52. Robert and I spent most of our time in Korea together he was a fine soldier and a d ear friend. I want to thank Dave Muxo for his great work. Frank Dahl Co I Korea 51-52

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 12/14/2022

5803. .happy thanksgiving to my fellow 11Bravos ...u know who u are ...u were in the mud and u were wanting to go home ...and to all the DD214 Alumni who volunteered and to the draftees who answered the call to duty ....in the sixties and early seventies it was up close and personal ...we were dreaming about home ....Happy thanksgiving Grunts we did our best back then and look at us now !!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 11/22/2022

5802. .on ur feet grunts ....Formation !!!! Happy Veterans day to all those who served with me in the ' Nam and to all those who came afterwards the Vietnam Era Vets ....and to those presently serving in Enduring Freedom conflicts...we are Americans this is what we do ....pick up a weapon and follow me ...we are the Infantry !!!!! A snappy salute to you guys !!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 11/12/2022

5801. I have been cleaning/restoring veteran headstones in Vale Cemetery, Schenectady, NY. Today, as I was leaving, I discovered the headstone of your fallen brother, Pfc LeRoy A Lamont. I am saddened to report that his gov't issued stone is barely visible. On my next restoration trip, I will clean his stone and install an American flag. I will also take before/after pictures that I would be glad to send to you if you give me an address. This former Marine salutes his valor and celebrates his life and dedication to the full measure of duty.

(I am in touch with Jeff. Leroy was a Korean War KIA. Dick Arnold)

Jeff Austin -- Schenectady NY  -- 10/27/2022

5800. Currently serving as the Operations Officer. Had the pleasure of hosting Cacti Korean War veteran, PV2 Warren Schuster, last Friday. Big thanks to Brian Hughes for setting us up with his family. Great event and always awesome for junior Cacti soldiers to witness Cacti heroes from past conflicts. Cacti Nation is strong!

Dare O'Ravitz -- Scottsdale AZ  -- 10/24/2022

5799. Again, with great sadness I am sending a SITREP regarding the passing of Ben Roberts, 2nd Plt. Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion. Ben was with those of us who were in the 'Nam' in 1967 and 1968. I will pass on any additional info. as I receive it. God Bless Ben, his Wife Robin and all other members of the Roberts Family.

Thomas W Gragg -- Harrisburg PA  -- 10/23/2022

5798. I was wondering if anyone might have a company roster from B Co 2/35 from Jan-Jun of 67 or know where they can be found or where

copies might be kept and could be requested. Who kept company rosters for each unit. Were'nt they kept or archived somewhere after Vietnam? Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

Chuck Coates

Charles Thomas Coates Sr -- New Richmond WI  -- 10/17/2022

5797. Colonel Frank Adams sound off !!!! Roll call !!!! Colonel Adams !!!! As you were sir go in peace !!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 10/13/2022

5796. Ret Col Frank Adams passed away today at Madigan Army Medical Center in Joint Base Lewis-McChord Washington. As a young Major he was the 2/35th S-3 officer during 1968/1969 and was a great officer and a loyal Cacti member. Highly respected by those that knew him. He will be missed by many.

Terry Savely --   -- 10/10/2022

5795. Dave Muxo now has Banquet Memorial posted on web site. This means any and all can view the KIA Slideshow. Thanks Dave!


Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis IN United States -- 09/27/2022

5794. Please send any reunion photos to Dave Muxo for on-line posting. We have very few so far. Dave's email: webmaster@cacti35th.org

Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis IN  -- 09/27/2022

5793. One final formation and roll call th. Brown !!! Heubaum !!!! Keller !!!! Thank you brothers in arms go in peace .

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 09/27/2022

5792. : It is with a heavy heart to learn that 3 brothers have passed thRoll Call !!!! Bill Keller C Co of the 2 Battalion of the 35th Infantry Bill Keller th..Doc Heubaum of A Co of the 1st Battalion of the 35th Infantry Doc Heubaum th.James Brown of Headquarters of the 1st Battalion of the 35th Infantry James Brown thSOUND OFF thKeller Heubaum Brown th.one final salute 🫡 for ur sacrificethth.

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 09/27/2022

5791. Yes thank you Frank and Joyce Dahl for hosting this years reunionth.sounds like a lot of work th.snappy salute 🫡 to both of you guys !!!!!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 09/27/2022

5790. A Cacti salute to Frank and Joyce Dahl for hosting our recent reunion. Frank had some illness but still did what he could. Their town was clean and friendly, as was the hotel and staff. Thanks Frank and Joyce!


Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis IN United States -- 09/26/2022

5789. With great sadness I am reporting the passing of Bill Keller C Co 2nd/35th 1967-1968. Interment will be at Arlington National Cemetery. Date of Burial is currently unknown. R.I.P. Cacti Brother.

Tom Gragg --   -- 09/26/2022

5788. Sad to report Reinhard (Doc) Heubaum, A 1/35th 1967-68, recently lost his battle with stomach cancer. Doc was our senior medic and a very good man. RIP Reinhard.


Dick Arnold --   -- 09/23/2022

5787. Joyce Watson, daughter of James L. Brown, HHC 1-35; 1966-1967, has informed us of the death of her father on September 19.

Funeral services are scheduled September 26 at 11 a.m. from the chapel of Sellars Family Heritage (610 N. Broadway St.) at Portland, Tennessee. Interment will follow the service at Middle Tennessee State Veterans Cemetery with full military honors.

Bill Henson --   -- 09/23/2022

5786. All reunion attendees: please be aware several attendees have tested positive for COVID. Please govern yourself accordingly.


Dick Arnold --   -- 09/22/2022

5785. Looking forward to the reunion in Billings, and meeting anyone who served with my Dad in C 2/35, from 12/68-2/69.

Jim Gleason -- Casper WY USA -- 09/16/2022

5784. Friday the 13th September 1968 hill 698 in Duc Lap I as a FNG with 3 weeks in country with B 2/35 company. 24wias and 3 kias a day I will never forget. The start of a long tour with more days like this one to follow.

Gary Lee -- Barnegat NJ USA -- 09/14/2022

5783. Comment: Wow!!!! Terry Carpenter 2 tours in the Nam you will be missed Take Arms

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 09/06/2022

5782. Comment: My grandfather Terry Carpenter of the 2nd battalion 35th Infantry served 2 tours in Vietnam if anyone has Info please contact as he passed in 09. God bless.

Ryan Jackson -- Corsicana Te  -- 09/04/2022

5781. Comment: throw a snappy salute to John Jay Germano Jr He will be missed for sure

Larry Frias Jr. -- Chula Vista CA  -- 08/31/2022

5780. Company B, 2nBn, 35th Infantry R, 4ID

I regret to inform you all that my father, John Jay Germano Jr passed away. He was wounded in Vietnam September 29th, 1969. If anyone knew him, please email me. We're still looking for his guys!

Chad Germano -- Minot ND  -- 08/28/2022

5779. On Wednesday, September 14, Frank Dahl and I are going to the Custer Battlefield. Probably leaving around 0800.one-hour drive, couple of hours for tour, break bread somewheres, returning around 1500-1600. Have room for two more if interested.

Dick Arnold -- INDIANAPOLIS IN United States -- 08/27/2022

5778. ..to all my fellow grunts out there ....u know who u are ...its hot and muggy and humid....what else is new ....ruck up and oscar mike the F up and whatever u do... stand tall grunts ....I know it hurts and I feel ur pain ...but always remember the next and younger generation is watching ....in the Nam we did our time nothing to be ashamed of ...hold ur heads high !!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 08/09/2022

5777. 9/68 to 2/69 B Company, 1st of 35th, 4th ID

2/69 to 9/69 HQ, 1st of 35th, 4th ID

John Phillip -- Merced CA  -- 07/22/2022

5776. : Found a plaque my dad was given after his second tour -

SFC Charles E Speller

Jan 69-Jan 7fr senior NCOs

1st BN 35 Inf

Cacti Green

I never knew the details -just that he served with 4th infantry and also 1st air Cav in 1967-1968-this was his second tour

Charles B Speller --   -- 07/10/2022

5775. With the obtaining of a photo for Juan Diaz-Domenech, we now have photos for all Vietnam KIAs. Thanks to all Cacti for their help.


Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis, Indiana, U.S.A. IN United States -- 07/01/2022

5774. Dad - Thinking of you in Father's Day. I laid a Jacknife as a present on your grave on this day in 1969, and the grass had barely grown in.

Miss you after all these years.


Jim Gleason -- Casper WY  -- 06/20/2022

5773. ..its that time of the year again grunts ...Fathers day and Fourth of July ...hunker down seek shelter ....and leave no man behind .....

Larry Frias Jr --   -- 06/14/2022

5772. I am seeking information on my Great Uncle Gabriel Steinbach from Colorado who I think served in 1st Battalion, Company B, 35th Infantry regiment. He spent 3 months in the 6th Replacement Depot. Joined the unit at New Caledonia 9 July 1943 and sailed on the SS Kincaid to Guadalcanal. He arrived July 29 1943 and his first combat was Vella Levella. He next saw service in Luzon where he recorded that his best friend Warren Wheaton was KIA at Balate Pass 4/3/45. Arrived at Camp Walker 5 November 1947. According to my cousin his military papers including his discharge were stolen from his home in the 1970s. Any help would be appreciated. It appears that his Military Service Records were burned in the National Archives fire.

Marvin Steinback --   -- 06/13/2022

5771. this Memorial Day Please remember all our Brothers and Sisters of all Wars Past and Present but especially our Cacti brothers from all our companies in Vietnam in 67 that made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Take Arms.

SSG Charles Thomas Coates/Retired --   -- 05/27/2022

5770. This is to Mike Branin KIA November 13, 1968, on LZ Jean. I will be marching in this year's Memorial Day Parade for Mike and all Cacti who made the ultimate sacrifice. My Purple Heart chapter will be making a trip to the National Purple Heart Hall of Honor where I will have Mike's name enshrined there forever where it belongs. I would also like to thank every veteran who reads this for their service.

Timothy S Baranyay -- Whiting NJ  -- 05/27/2022

5769. This Memorial Day, please remember and say a special prayer for all our fallen Cacti brothers and, especially for Jake Price and William (Steve) Illman) who paid the ultimate price on January 2, 1968. They will always be in our hearts and never forgotten.

John Pipia

B Company, 2/35th


John Pipia -- Pasadena CA  -- 05/23/2022

5768. On this day, 55 years ago, my oldest brother, Joseph Ledesma, Jr. , C/2-35, was killed in the battle of Vinh Hien. He was 20 years old. Also killed from C/2-35 were Gary Killian and Roland Rush. Joey has never, and will never, be forgotten. We love you my brother. On Oct 20, 2020, our Mother passed, 94, and was laid to rest with Joey in an extra deep grave she purchased in 1967.

David Ledesma -- San Jose CA  -- 05/20/2022

5767. 55 years Dad and still feel the pain of your loss. Miss you Dad....

Michael Johnson -- Phoenix AZ  -- 05/19/2022

5766. Need Bill Patterson's email, just did an article in the Cacti Times, spring 2022. Thanks.

Bruce MacDonald -- North Royalton OH  -- 05/12/2022

5765. .....on your feet grunts its me again ....dont forget happy mothers day ...

Larry Frias Jr -- Chula Vista CA  -- 05/03/2022

5764. Anyone from C-1/35th June 1967. I got hit on two different patrols June 15 1967 and June 24th 1967 ( which is the one that sent me out of Nam ). Does anyone recall either of these patrols? If so, I would like to hear anything. My last injury caused a lot of memory loss ( TBI ). Thanks, Carl

Carl R Emerson --   -- 04/29/2022

5763. MOH recipient Kenneth Stumpf, C Co. 1/35, passed away April 23. Burial arrangements are being finalized.

Bill Henson -- Rocky River OH  -- 04/25/2022

5762. My memories of my cousin PFC Harrison B Shauger, C CO, 2ND BN, 35th INF RGT, 4th INF DIV, will be forever etched in my heart & soul. Harrison was more like a big brother to me, not a cousin. Stolen from us fighting a senseless war. My heart goes out to each of soldier who lost their lives or returned carrying far too many awful memories; that you carry forever.

Love and respect to all.

Carol Shauger Struble -- Middletown NY  -- 03/29/2022

5761. In remembrance of Larry Comis who died in the service of our country March 24, 1970. Rest in Peace

John Linn --  Sy AUS -- 03/24/2022

5760. In memory of all of the brave Cacti who gave their lives in defense of our liberties on this date 55 years ago.

Glenn A Perrone -- Ridgewood NJ  -- 03/12/2022

5759. Co I 35th RCT lost five god men this week in 1952 (Punchbowl) Blum, Carter, Stringer, Cordone and Steenbergh. These men made the ultimate sacrifice. They will not be forgotten. Frank Dahl

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 03/08/2022

5758. Served in 1/35 C company 3rd platoon 4-68 4-69. Looking for David Peck and Sgt Bowman.

Joe Richardson -- Newnan GA  -- 03/07/2022

5757. : Remembering my brother Terry Weant every day but especially on March 7. Although it's been 53 years since that terrible day it still hurts.

Pamela Weant Schmalzried -- Girard Oh  -- 03/07/2022

5756. Anyone know how to contact Col. Richard White Ret. 2/35 charlie co. 67/68 jmthomas199@gmail.com

John Thomas -- Greer's Ferry AR  -- 02/18/2022

5755. February 16,1968 SFC Bill Greenwell was KIA by a mine. Fifty-four years yet ever-present. Not forgotten, rest in peace.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 02/13/2022

5754. God bless lt Spencer Powers Kia February 7 1968

Gary McDonough -- Melbourne FL  -- 02/08/2022

5753. We have just learned that Tim Crotty passed last December 12. Tim commanded B, 1/35th in 1966. Link to obit:


Dick Arnold -- Indianapolis IN United States -- 01/26/2022

5752. 1/35th, B Company, Infantry, Sept 68-Aug 69. Most of what I have done in my

career was founded on the trials & challenges of my time in Vietnam. For the

most part, I am all the better for my time spent those long years ago.

Russ Stilwell -- Boonville IN  -- 01/14/2022

5751. Comment: On this day, January 2nd, 54 years ago, elements of B Company, 2/35th, made contact with and attacked an entrenched, unknown sized enemy force of the 2nd NVA Division.

B Company had been purposely sent beyond its own artillery support range, hence it had no artillery support and had to rely solely on the skill, courage and tenacity of its soldiers, and was limited to small arms and hand grenades and gunships against a vastly superior sized enemy unit.

The NVA was defending and in bunkers, trenches and spider holes and was later estimated to be a regimental sized unit, likely staging for TET 1968 and possibly guarding 2nd NVA Division HQ. The TET Offensive would occur about 3 weeks later.

The fighting was fierce and at close quarters and lasted all day. Sadly, two of its bravest and finest, Jake Price (2nd Platoon) and Steve Illman (1st Platoon), perished that day while fighting alongside their brothers.

So, this day will always be special for me and those of B Company who I served with and I want to pay special tribute and remember the ultimate sacrifices of Price and Illman, along withthe many who were wounded and all the fine soldiers of B Company, not only for that day but for all the days they served with courage, honor and distinction.

God Bless them all.

John Pipia

B Company, 2/35th

John Pipia --   -- 01/02/2022

5750. I want to wish all my Cacti brothers and sisters a healthy, happy, safe, peaceful and prosperous New Year. May 2022 be far better than 2021.

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 01/01/2022

5749. In remembrance with honor of Thomas Pakula who died in the service of our country December 27, 1969. Rest In Peace.

John Linn B 2/35 1969-1970 -- Sydney NS AUS -- 12/27/2021

5748. I am the brother-in-law of the late Richard (Dick) Doc Botsford. He served with B,1/35th 1967-68 as a medic. He was awarded a BSV for actions October 8, 1967. I would be interested in communicating with anyone who knew Richard.

Mr Ed --   -- 12/26/2021

5747. Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year to all my fellow grunts out there ...you know who you are ....wishing everyone out there and ur loved ones Happy Holidays and GOOD HEALTH ...Larry Frias Jr 1st of the 35th Infantry 25th Infantry Division...TAKE ARMS

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/26/2021

5746. Merry Christmas to all Fellow Cacti and sending a message to Korean Vets... join

Robt Paiz and me for the Billings Reunion in 2022. I know there are many more Korean Vets (cacti) who belong and hope they would attend. Frank Dahl CoI 35th 51-52

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 12/23/2021

5745. C co. 00-03 take arms gentlemen

Carlo Acevedo -- Tehachapi CA  -- 12/19/2021

5744. D 1/35 68/69

Tommy McRoberts -- Arlington TX  -- 12/16/2021

5743. my condolences to the Roger Ladd family ...hero's like him will be missed ...Larry Frias Jr 1/35th Infantry of the 25th Infantry Division

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/08/2021

5742. A very Happy Thanksgiving and Xmas Holidays to all my fellow grunts ...I wish you and ur families good health and prosperity...hey grunts remember thanksgiving chow and the latrines in the field ...and missing home ????? Larry Frias Jr 1/35th Infantry of the 25th Infantry Division....

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/08/2021

5741. Just learned that Roger Ladd recently passed. He was a PLt Ldr in B,1/35th and Recon Plt. Below is link to obit.


Art Hughes --   -- 12/08/2021

5740. Have a Happy Thanksgiving is our wish for all Cacti. Francis Dahl Korea 51-52 Company I

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 11/24/2021

5739. Hi, I'm trying to reach out to fellas that was with B (recon) 1/35/25

My grandfather was in 67-68. I would like to reach out to anyone that might know him. His name is Charles Dwight Reed. Thank you.

Kollin Dufour -- Bell City LA  -- 11/23/2021

5738. To all my Cacti Brothers,

On this Veterans' Day Eve, I want to send a thank you to all, along with a special greeting and thanks to all the members of B Company, 2/35th Infantry who I had the honor and privilege of serving with in Vietnam in 1967 - 1968 for your sacrifice, service and dedication. You embody and serve as living symbols for all that is good in America and for what it truly means to be an American.

You all answered the bell and rose to extraordinary heights as men and as soldiers. You proved that with your everyday actions in the face of incredible obstacles and looking death in the eye. You will always be with me and in my thoughts and prayers.

I also want to pay special tribute to all WIA and to two of fallen comrades, Jake Price and Bill (Steve) Illman, who made the ultimate sacrifice on January 2, 1968. They continue to live in our hearts and memories and will never be forgotten.


John Pipia, B 2/35, 1967 - 1968

John Pipia --   -- 11/10/2021

5737. ..I just wanted to take this moment to wish my fellow Veteran Grunts a very happy and safe upcoming Veterans Day ...in the land of the Lilliputians , u guys are GIANTS ...stand tall !!!!!!!

Larry Frias -- San Diego CA  -- 11/06/2021

5736. At ease grunts .....what's ur status.....don't sweat the details...if u need help text me ....

Larry Frias -- San Diego CA  -- 10/29/2021

5735. Just a quick note to assure the membership I have not sent emails to anyone soliciting donations for anything. If you receive one...delete it. Sorry.

Mike Slyck --   -- 09/26/2021

5734. To bravo. 2/35 , 69-70 Ed Mosey lost his wife Anna last friday. His wife was from Norway and a very accomplished person. Our thoughts are with Ed.

Al Arroyo --   -- 09/17/2021

5733. Looking for some members from Vietnam 1969 70 company b Cacti blue

Tom Manley -- Huron OH  -- 08/27/2021

5732. Gents;

It is my sad duty to report the death of Lt Don ,Donnie, Blankin on July 29, 2021. Don was an FO for both A,2,35 and C,2,35. He also served as the Fire Direction Officer for B Battery.

Don had wanted to join us for a Reunion many times, but his doctor advised no travel for many years prior to his passing. Don was involved in major fighting in Duc Lap near the Cambodian border with tragic consequences. He summarized his experiences in a War Story he wrote named The Coffin Corner. It is a difficult read.

Please keep Donnie and all of our redleg brothers in your thoughts and prayers as we grow older and grayer, but never forget the strong bonds of brothers in combat.


Dennis Dauphin

Webmaster, www.themightyninth.org

NEW EMAIL: mightyninthcableone@gmail.com

Dick Arnold --   -- 08/17/2021

5729. In memory of Paul Demaline A 2/35 and Robert Ater A 2/35 who perished in the service of their country and men injured in an ill fated helicopter crash 51 years ago August 17, 1970. Passage of time does not diminish memory. Cacti Forever John Linn

John Linn -- Sydney NSW AUS -- 08/17/2021

5728. Hey there Cacti Brothers, this is the guy called Peabo from 1/35th 1979-1982 Co B. I saw a note from a Eddie Garcia below from Co. B, 1980-82. Just checking to see if it is the same Eddie Garcia who I played basketball with. Give me a call at 202-498-0447. Peabo

Francis Bryant -- King George VA USA -- 08/15/2021

5727. Thanks to all of the Cacti friends who watched David's virtual celebration.

I got mixed reviews from some people. Said it was not loud enough and camera too far away. We tried to share with all of you. Thank you to Tom Gragg and Gary Perkins for attending. It was a tribute that I think David would have approved of. Hope to see you all in 2022 at the reunion.

Patricia Manrique -- Fremont CA USA -- 08/08/2021

5726. Topic: David Manrique's Celebration of Life

Time: Aug 6, 2021 10:45 PM Pacific Time (US and Canada)

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 542 530 6595

Passcode: rb7P5y

One tap mobile

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Meeting ID: 542 530 6595

Passcode: 820912

Find your local number: https://us02web.zoom.us/u/kcTH3U9uKB

Dick Arnold --   -- 08/02/2021

5725. On our feet grunts ....our country seems to be at a crossroad....nevertheless Happy Fourth of July to all my fellow grunts ....we all paid the ultimate sacrifice during the Vietnam era ....don't sweat today's generation they will anti up one way or another ....and blood will be shed ....Freedom is not Free ...God Bless The USA .....and don't forget Vets like my dad who served during WWII as a POW of the Japanese for 4 long years ....

Larry Frias Jr -- Kingsland TX  -- 07/07/2021

5724. My father in law (William Talley) they knew him as Will aka warrior. He is currently looking to know if anyone is still there. He was a part of 1/35th and served in Vietnam late 1968-1969. He can't find anyone.

Kristen McCall --   -- 07/04/2021

5723. I would love to find out more information about my uncle Alan Shearer Jr. - KIA 04/29/51. Also, I have a photo that I would like to have added to his record on your website. Who should I contact?

Thank you

Delise Shearer -- Henderson NV  -- 06/16/2021

5722. Hi Gents,

We need one more Vietnam KIA photo, I say again, one.

He is Juan A Diaz-Domenech. Juan served with B,2nd 35th though records indicate he may have been in HHC,2nd 35th when he died.

He committed suicide on September 23 1969, his tour started March 9 1969.

Now, youse Bravo guys like to brag on your top attendance at reunions, running around saying Bravo Rules.

Well and good. But what we are going to do is this: until we get a photo of Juan, all B,2nd 35th members will be fined $200 dollars per annum.

Appreciate all ideas you may have. Thanks guys!

Dick A

Dick Arnold --   -- 06/08/2021

5721. In memory of Herbert Horner B 2/35 who died in the service of his country 51 years ago June 5, 1970. Rest In Peace.

John Linn -- Sydney Australia -- 06/05/2021

5720. In memory of Robert Guinn who died in the service of his country 51 years ago June 4, 1970. Remembered always. RIP

John Linn -- Sydney Australia -- 06/04/2021

5719. I was honored today to pay my respects to my great uncle

Harold b Hammitt. i Thank all those who gave for my freedom

on this memorial day, god bless

Adam A Hammitt -- Kerrick MN  -- 06/01/2021

5718. This Memorial Day let us never forget the heroes who made the ultimate sacrifice in the defense of this great Nation. To all fallen Cacti may you rest in peace.

Tim Baranyay -- Whiting NJ  -- 05/29/2021

5717. Looking for somebody who knew Cashmere R. Marsh from A Co. 1/35th

Thank you,

I was with Delta Co. 1/22th Inf. 67/68

John Piraino -- Ormond Beach FL  -- 05/23/2021

5716. RIP Dad, Kenyon and Walter you all are missed but not forgotten.

Michael E Johnson -- Phoenix AZ  -- 05/19/2021

5715. On the occasion of Memorial Day, 2021, I want to remember all of our fallen brothers but, especially, Jake Price (2nd Platoon) and Bill (Steve) Illman (1st Platoon) of B Company, 2/35th, who sadly, made the ultimate sacrifice on January 2, 1968 while fighting an entrenched and numerically superior regular NVA force .

We are here today because of their heroism and sacrifice.

They will live forever in our hearts and minds as long as we can draw a breath and we will never forget them.

May they rest in peace and may the perpetual light shine upon them.

John Pipia

B Company, 2/35th

John Pipia -- La Canada CA  -- 05/17/2021

5714. In remembrance of Charles Bazzinotti and Paul Ramos B 2/35 who died in the service of their country 51 years ago May 13, 1970. Both died in a tragic accident returning from the Cambodia Incursion (May 7, 1970-May 13, 1970.) Duty with honour. Rest In Peace.

And in memory of the men who sustained injuries as a result of the accident aftermath. Let tribute be paid to the efforts and heroic deeds of the men in rescue and life saving attempts.

Never forgotten and Cacti forever.

John Linn B 2/35

John Linn -- Sydney Australia -- 05/13/2021

5713. Just looking for anyone that served with A 1/35 between 1982-1985

Rafael Nova -- Fleetwood PA  -- 05/10/2021

5712. In remembrance of Richard (Dick) Mathias B 2/35 who died in the service of his country 51 years ago on this day May 8, 1970 during the Cambodia Incursion. Rest In Peace.

John Linn -- Sydney AUS -- 05/08/2021

5711. Does anyone have a company roster for B Company 2nd Battalion 35th Infantry from November 1967 to May 1968

Stephen Jeffrey -- Kennesaw GA  -- 05/06/2021

5710. I'm researching my uncle SSgt Ronald Kent HHC 1 BN 35 Inf 25 Inf Div Recon Plt who was KIA 1-20-67. Ronnie was from Page,ND. He was KIA 1/20/67 in Bihn Dihn Province. He was awarded the Silver Star for his actions during an ambush. I'm trying to track down where he was actually killed. If anyone can help please feel free to contact me by replying to my email.

Todd Nelson

Retire Law Enforcement

From Page,ND.

Todd Nelson -- Page ND  -- 05/02/2021

5709. Served in HHC cacti dec 1980-dec 1983

HHC command RTO. Humping kahukus, big island, Korea, Japan

What's a time. Miss friends from that time Big George, Ricky Flowers, Brew Bentley, Patrick mccomb. Commo section

Rick Pliler -- West Plains MO  -- 04/17/2021

5708. Just signing in to say hello, and thank you all for your service, especially those who served with my Father Paul Dropco. And to say Welcome Home Brothers.

MATTHEW DROPCO -- Delaware OH  -- 04/09/2021

5707. Our brother in arms William P. Barber, Sr. passed away on Feb 23, 2021. He served with the 35th Infantry Regiment in WWII. Please go to the link below for his obituary to read about his life and service. RIP William.

Dave Muxo -- Orem Ut  -- 04/09/2021
Email -- https://www.legacy.com/obituaries/burlingtoncountytimes/obituary.aspx?n=william-p-barber&pid=1979171

5706. I received a call from Pat Martin this morning saying Martha Henderson had called him and that Joe Henderson, our 2017-19 Assn Pres. passed away last night. Joe had been fighting several cancers over the years and it looks like the lung cancer finally got him. Martha said he was in the hospital the last 3 weeks and had broken his hip a few weeks back and had it repaired but never was able to walk on it. He was sent home Monday to hospice, so he passed at home.

Doc J

Don Johnson -- Baton Rouge LA  -- 04/07/2021

5705. Mile High April 1968. Restless energy that remains core memories along with so many others. Rest in peace.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 04/05/2021

5704. I regret to inform all my Cacti Brothers and Sisters of the passing of our Third Brigade Chaplin from Vietnam Father Kevin Devine. He passed away the morning of March 25th. 2021. He will be missed by all who were touched by his actions in Vietnam from early 1969 thru 1970. We also shared his company at our last four reunions. Where he so enjoyed the company of our Brothers and Wives. Rest in Peace Father Kevin you are missed by all who knew you.

Joe Soga -- Kutztown PA  -- 03/26/2021

5703. In remembrance of Larry Comis who died in the service of his country 51 years ago March 24, 1970. Duty served. Rest In Peace.

John Linn -- Sydney AUS -- 03/23/2021

5702. If anyone receives an email purportedly from me asking for help/assistance of any kind, the request is not from me. Mark it as SPAM and get rid of it. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 03/16/2021

5701. This is to remember the memory of my brother James P. Perrone, Jr who gave his life in service to his country on March 12, 1967. Special gratitude to those Cacti who was with Jim when he died, and who have steadfastly kept his short life alive for those of us who went forward: David Dunn, Peter Dykstra, Art Johnson, Bobby Day,Stanley Roberts, Larry Hicks and Hal Bowling. Jim's family will be forever grateful for your friendship and for so graciously welcoming us into your lives.

Glenn Perrone -- Ridgewood NJ  -- 03/12/2021

5700. Remembering Ivan Steenburgh, Gene Stringer, Daniel Carter and C. Cordone KIA on this day 1951. May they rest in peace Frank Dahl

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 03/11/2021

5699. A great Texan and soldier Nelson Blum made the ultimate sacrifice on March 9, 1951. He was with me a long time before this tragic event. Frank Dahl

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 03/08/2021

5698. Remembering All The Valiant Cacti Who Gave All 3/7/69.

William Delaney --   -- 03/07/2021

5697. Prayers for the soul of my dad, Dan Gleason. KIA 2/23/69.

Thanks to Larry Burgin, Johnny Barnes and Buck Shafer for reaching out to me through the years.

Jim Gleason -- Casper WY  -- 02/23/2021

5696. Hello! I served in Charlie Co. from late 1975 to 1978. I enjoyed being with this unit and in Hawaii was not bad either! Any of you grunts out their yet i hope?

Jeff C Kells -- Farmington MN  -- 02/23/2021

5695. Looking for anyone who knew James E. Brown, D 1/35th in 1968 to 1969. He recently passed away and his family is looking for information about his service. Please contact me or Jim Anderson.

Dave Muxo -- Orem UT  -- 02/20/2021

5694. In memory of a classmate and fellow Cacti, Eugene Lavey who passed away. He was seriously wounded on Feb. 14 1951 north of Seoul.

Gene passed away in Dec. Frank Dahl Co I

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 02/12/2021

5693. In memory of Bill Greenwell, KIA February 16, 1968. Rest in Peace never forgotten.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 02/10/2021

5692. Served as 1/35th Infantry (Light) BN S-2 from April 1985 to April 1986. I was fortunate to serve with LTC James T. Hill (BN CDR), better known as Tom. For those who may not know, Tom was later selected to Command the 25th and ended his career as the SOUTHCOM Commander. I only mention him because he was by far the best commander I ever served!! HUMVEEs are great vehicles, but nothing beats driving recklessly in a 1/4 ton jeep w/o the top and windshield in Korea, during the winter in support of Team Spirit! Great Times!

Joseph D Fish, Ed.D -- Fayetteville NC  -- 02/02/2021

5691. I served with the Cacti - Bravo 1/35th and HQ 1/35th from 1980 to 1982.

Edwin Garcia AKA: Eddie -- Kapolei HI  -- 01/20/2021

5690. My uncle Bernard Quarles was in 2/35 Inf. In Vietnam.

Trying to find folks who might have known him

Patrick Howard -- Youngstown Oh  -- 01/17/2021

5689. JESUS took Alan Tyson Chaplain served with Cacti135 1968 into His ARMS and to HEAVEN about 12:20. Today

GARY MCDONOUGH --   -- 01/13/2021

5688. I just received a card from Jennifer, daughter of Charles and Nancy Brown. She informed me of their passing which I was totally unaware of. I should read our guestbook more often I know! They will be missed, but remembered in my prayers.

Allan Meyer -- Ingleside IL  -- 01/09/2021

5687. I recently learned that John K Terry (Jack) passed on February 19, 2015 and is buried at West Point. I believe Jack was with Echo 1/35 1967-1968, but could be mistaken. We met in 2000 at the second Cacti reunion in DC and spent a lot of time together hanging around museums and talking the stuff old war horses talk about. Then over the years drifted apart as so often happens but I never forgot those moments of reflection, anger and grief we shared. Rest in Peace Jack.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 01/02/2021

5686. In memory of Thomas Pakula B Co. 2/35 who died in the service of his country 51 years ago December 27, 1969. Duty served. Rest In Peace.

John Linn -- Sydney AUS -- 12/27/2020

5685. It is with immense sadness that we must report that our B 1/35th brother John Kelly passed away last night, cause unknown as yet. He was chopping wood and working on his car yesterday. This has come as a shock to all of us. He was a good friend and we will miss him.

Dave Muxo -- Orem UT  -- 12/22/2020

5684. : Here's the latest from the VA on vaccines for Vets:

Under this plan, we'll first offer vaccines to these 2 groups:

Veterans living in our long-term care facilities, and

VA health care personnel. Vaccinating our high-risk VA health care personnel helps us continue providing care for Veterans.

We based this plan on these criteria from CDC guidelines:

Risk of becoming infected with the virus

Risk of severe illness and death from COVID-19

Risk of spreading the virus to others

Risk of harm to society if essential workers, including health care personnel, are unable to work

After the first 2 groups, we'll begin to offer vaccines to more Veterans who are at high risk of severe illness from COVID-19.

Gary Dittmer -- Woolbridge VA  -- 12/19/2020

5683. Wishing all Cacti young and old a Merry Christmas and a healthy New Year. Frank Dahl Co I Korea 51 -52

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 12/15/2020

5682. Good day fellow Cacti. I want to wish all a Merry Christmas and the happiest of holidays. My name is Roger Hackenburg probably known to most as Hack.Time in Vietnam was basically all of 1966. part of Recon Plt. HHC 2/35th Lt. Brennan was Plt. Leader, Sgt. Hinzman Plt. Sgt.i carried the radio for Brennan because I was the Plt. interrperter for platoon, and wherever he was in the field I was beside him.My best buddies were Harris and Sanderson (Medic) and silver star rcciepiant: the two Simms Boy (Big and Baby) Swenson and Ledebuer. I hope I spelled them right. At some time during that year we had a free lance photographer with us in the field. A photo of me endened up in a Men's Magazine so I know he was selling them. Just wondering if anyone knows if he posted some on line or how to get a hold of him or his photos I'd like to take a look at 54 years ago.Finally for those that were there my worst day in Vietnam was Aug. 2nd 1966. We must of lost 6 to 10 guys that day

including Ledebur Capt. McDonough and 1st Sgt Perez. I hope 2020 soon ends. My best wishes to everybody and stay safe

Roger Hackenburg -- Selinsgrove PA  -- 12/12/2020

5681. I am looking for the Buck SGT that was with me in the Foxhole. Hopefully, he still alive. On NOV 29th or 30th 1968, He was shipped to Pleiku, South Vietnam from Fort Lewis, Washington State. He was assigned to A Co. 1st BN 35th INF 3BDE 4th INF DIV Alpha Co. 1968-1969. I do not remember his name. I got orders to go back to the rear because my older brother came in country. I was only there nine months. I'm asking for extracts for all the SGTs that left Vietnam from this location. I need his name for my service connection claim. Any leads will be appreciated. Please contact: (904) 540-3569

SPC George Ransom -- St Augustine FL  -- 12/12/2020

5680. Today 12/3/2020 the head of VA announced the Vaccine for COVID will be available for high risk VETS within the next few weeks. Pay attention and get vaccinated!

Gary Dittmer -- Woodbridge VA  -- 12/04/2020

5679. Per his daughter's post on Facebook, Cacti member Ray Maylen has COVID-19.

Dick Arnold --   -- 11/24/2020

5678. Any of youse guys recall the names of the Basic Tng firing ranges at Fort Knox? The only one I remember is Ditto Hill.

Thanks, Dick

Dick Arnold --   -- 11/24/2020

5677. I wish all our Cacti, active duty, retired, veterans and their families a peaceful and healthy Thanksgiving. As you gather with your families and friends take a moment to remember our brothers and sisters who will not be celebrating with their families and say a little prayer for them. Remember those Thanksgiving feasts when you weren't home with your loved ones and be grateful those days are in your past. Take care during this pandemic season to keep your loved ones close and as safe as possible. Remember too our brothers and sisters who have passed because of this disease.

Michael Slyck -- Walnut Cove NC  -- 11/23/2020

5676. Searching for anyone who may have served with my father and was involved in the Battle of One-Niner on March 21st 1967. I lost my father that day; his name was Robert Reinke from Appleton, WI. Would love to speak with anyone who may have served with him. He served with C Company, 2nd Bn. from October 1966 to March 1967. Thank you!

Robert Reinke -- Appleton WI  -- 11/14/2020

5675. : Im very happy to have found my great uncle . Dean Davidson he was KIA during WWII on Luzon Island April 10 th 1945 . My grandma and others spoke highly of him . I never met him of course , but my middle name is in honor of him . Veterans Day 2020 , Thank you , Bruce

Bruce D Davidson -- Boise ID  -- 11/12/2020

5674. Happy Veterans Day Cacti, warm regards and stay healthy!

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 11/11/2020

5673. In tribute, honor and remembrance of all veterans past and present Veterans Day 2020. Cacti Forever.

John Linn --  Sy Australia -- 11/10/2020

5672. As Veterans Day 2020 nears, submitting a Remembrance of Silver Star recipient Sergeant Kenton Elwood Henninger, KIA in the Chu Pong Mountain area, Pleiku Province, on 7 March 1969.

Terry Barrett --   -- 11/08/2020

5671. To Fellow Cacti: Never would have thought I would hit this mile stone especially some of those sub zero nights on Korea but today I hit the Big 90. Thanks to The Big Man Up Above, my wife of 66 years and friends like The Cacti Gang. Thanks all of you...Frank Dahl Co I Korea 51-52

Frank Dahl --  Bi MT -- 10/28/2020

5670. RE: Nancy Brown

From Bob Ord.

Dear Dick,

Nancy Brown passed away today to COVID.


Jennifer and Jeff have lost both parents in a week's time.

Best, Bob

Dick Arnold --   -- 10/25/2020

5669. Served A 1/35th September 75 to October 78 Cacti all the way

Enrique Rangel -- Orange CA  -- 10/23/2020

5668. Please see the note below from Bob Ord. Looks like Nancy, Charles Brown's wife is in the hospital with COVID.

Thank you, Doc, for getting back to me so promptly.

Before Charlie's wife Nancy came down with the COVID and admitted to the hospital where she is now, she asked me to notify the Cacti Regimental Association of Charlie's COVID illness.

Subsequently, Charlie lost the fight to survive on Monday night, 19 Oct 2020.

Charlie and I maintained a close personal relationship since 1966. I have the utmost respect and admiration for him as a Husband, Father, Grandfather, Soldier and all around Good Man.

Thank you for the great work you are doing for our Regimental Association. Much appreciated.

Stay safe and well, Bob

Don Johnson -- Baton Rouge LA  -- 10/22/2020

5667. Hello Doc,

Charles Brown, my 3rd Plt Ldr in C Co, 2/35, died of COVID Monday 19 Oct 2020.

If this email makes it to you and I hear back, I will fill you in with details.

Warm regards, Bob Ord

Robert L. Ord, III

LTG, U.S. Army Ret.


Don Johnson -- Baton Rouge LA  -- 10/22/2020

5666. It is with heavy heart that I have to report that our Brother Adrain Gwen Jones A/2/35 67/68 Reported to Heavens Gate September 3rd 2020

John Thomas -- Higden AR  -- 10/14/2020

5665. I am looking for anyone who knew my great grandfather SSGT Gilberto Soto-Garcia B company , 1/35th Infantry ,3rd Brigade ,25th Infantry Division.

He served in Korea and Vietnam where he died in action in 1966

Andrea Soto --   -- 09/28/2020

5664. 75 years ago today Cpl Art Stapel 35th ID (Cacti) earned the Bronze Star for Valor at Masan-ni, Pusan Perimeter.

He and other volunteers fought through communist lines to rescue a trapped unit.

Neal Stapel -- Clover SC  -- 09/03/2020

5663. Doc,

As I was unpacking boxes last night I pulled outRecon and The Green Monster and started reading it again. It reminded me I had not talked to you in forever. I hope all is well with you and your family.

My family and I are just re-establishing on Oahu. I am now lucky enough to command yet another decorated unit from Vietnam, the 196th Infantry Brigade.

Hopefully we can all start travelling again soon and see each other.

Please tell any of the others you see or talk to hey and Left Hand High for me.


Cacti Forever,


Don Johnson -- Baton Rouge LA  -- 09/02/2020

5662. Still kicking at 75 years old.

Frank Arthur Lynn -- Apache Junction AZ  -- 08/27/2020

5661. Due to Medical Surgeries and percieved Security Problems in the Minnesota/Wisconsin areas I have decided to cancel my Trip to Bloomington MN. next Month. I was REALLY looking forward to going, but then there is next year. I hope to see all of you along with any/all new Assn. Members there.-Cacti FOREVER!! Tom Gragg C/2 1967-1968.

Thomas W Gragg -- Harrisburg PA  -- 08/25/2020

5660. In remembrance of Paul Demaline A 2/35 and Robert Ater C 2/35 who died in the service of their country and men injured in an ill fated helicopter crash 50 years ago August 17, 1970.

The passage of time does not dimmish the memory. Cacti Forever.

John Linn -- Sydney NS AUS -- 08/17/2020

5659. Johnny Unpingco, nicknamed Little John. Bravo Company, 2/35th 1968-1969.

1/35th Charlie Company at Scholfield, 1970-1974.

Passed away 07/10/2020 at Tripler Army Medical Center. If you knew my father, or have any photos to share, it would be greatly appreciated. Due to the COVID pandemic, there is a private service, and later Committal Service, honors burial at the Hawaii State Veteran Cemetery in Kaneohe, Hawaii. If you have any story or photos to share, please send them to my email:


Thank you all for your service.

Joseph Unpingco --   -- 08/09/2020

5658. Aug 2 1969 seems like a lifetime ago- then again seems like only yesterday. Robert Lynn Shook KIA Plieku Vietnam.

Freddie R Shook -- Adel GA  -- 08/02/2020

5657. Sadly we report the passing of TJ Blue. His obituary may be found at: https://www.saulsfh.com/obituary/Thomas-Blue

Jim Anderson -- Marysvile WA  -- 08/01/2020

5656. I would like to thank John Lorts for the great job he did as editor for the Cacti Times for many years. He has retired from that job, he and his dictionary deserve a rest.

Rocco DeRosa -- Fountain Hills AZ  -- 07/31/2020

5655. My father, Carl Titzer, passed away July 8. While going through his stuff I found many years of your Cacti Times. My dad was a proud veteran and I know he kept in contact with some he served with, went to some reunions as well. I would like to notify those he kept in contact with but have not located any contact information for them. I saw in your news magazine a listing of those who have passed. Would there be a way to get my father listed. Then maybe those he knew, if they get the magazine, would know of his passing.

Thank you,

Denise Titzer

Denise Titzer --   -- 07/26/2020

5654. : I am looking for any of you guys who knew my father if you were in the 1/35th in 1968 to 1969. At one time, he was in the 3rd platoon of B company. His name was SFC Harley (Jim) Stamey. I think he also served in the 4th Div. NCO Training school. He was from Morrow/Forest Park, Georgia area. My father died of a heart attack in 1981. My phone number is 770-262-9342

Thanks to all of you guys who fought in combat for our country! I am very proud of you!

Sincerely, Robert Stamey (son)

Robert Stamey -- Oxford GA  -- 07/19/2020

5653. My husband was Peter A McClusky, he passed away 5/5/17 I was wondering if anyone remembers him and where you were located. His DD214 says he was CO,1st Bat Gp,35th infantry

Leila McClusky -- Walbridge Oh  -- 07/14/2020

5652. My dad John W Ford was 2nd battalion 35th infantry. US Army 1967-1969. Anyone remember him? If so,I would love to put him in contact. Thank you for your service and God Bless you all!!

John L Ford -- Covington GA  -- 06/24/2020

5651. Obit for Captain Kenneth Barton, B, 1/35th.


Art Hughes -- Santa Rosa CA  -- 06/22/2020

5650. Despite this year's Reunion being cancelled, I still plan to be at the Hotel from the 25th through the 1st of October. If anyone lives in or is visiting the area then please look me up and maybe by then We can find a place to eat or meet. I intend to visit the Gravesite's of at least 2 of our WWII Veterans who are interred at the Ft. Snelling National Cemetery which is just a

Thomas W Gragg -- Harrisburg PA  -- 06/21/2020

5649. VVMF & Sons and Daughters In Touch - Father's Day Tribute -

Sons and Daughters in Touch is an organization of Gold Star Children of the Vietnam War. Every 5 years they hold a Father's Day service and wash the wall. The event scheduled for this Father's Day has been cancelled due to Covid-19, but the VVMF is helping organize a video tribute, and survivors will record a message honoring their dads and it will be posted on 6/21. Visit www.sdit.org for more information.

Jim Gleason -- Casper WY  -- 06/15/2020

5648. In remembrance of Herbert Horner B 2/3 who died in the service of his country 50 years ago this day, June 5, 1970. RIP. Cacti Forever.

John Linn -- Sydney Au  -- 06/05/2020

5647. In remembrance of Robert Guinn B 2/35 who died in the service of his country 50 years ago

this day, June 4, 1970. Honoured forever.

John Linn -- Sydney Australia -- 06/04/2020

5646. Thank you for posting such a wonderful piece about Fred Dewitt. Fred and I were Platoon leaders in the same company at the same time and our friendship expanded after military service. At reunions we would revisit old memories as if they were reflections of recent events so real and so full of energy even after fifty plus years. Funny how we all tend to do that. It was a shock to have heard of his passing but know he is finally at peace. I will miss you my friend.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 06/01/2020

5645. Memorial Day in 2020 was different from any we've ever experienced in our lifetimes.

However, despite this, one thing remained unchanged and that is the memory of our departed warriors who paid the ultimate sacrifice.

I want to pay my respects and honor all of them but particularly William (Steve ) Illman and Jake Price, both fine members of B Company, 2/35th Infantry who perished on January 2, 1968.

They will live forever in our minds and hearts. May they Rest In Peace and May the Perpetual Light shine upon them.

John Pipia, B 2/35

John Pipia --   -- 05/30/2020

5644. My Brother Melvin E Huffman served with D Co, 2/35 in Vietnam 68/69. Was a Infantryman. Involved in 13 Combat Actions. Does Anyone here remember him? Any Information on his participation in Actions?


Michael Huffman

SGM U.S. Army Retired

Michael W Huffman --   -- 05/26/2020

5643. 31 May 1966 lost a comrade Donald Carl Green at lz 10a thanks to all for their service

Robert Flatt -- Payneville KY  -- 05/25/2020

5642. Served Company A 1/35th. Squad Leader, May, 1968 to July 1969.

Gary Joseph Radulski -- Roseville MI  -- 05/25/2020

5640. Would anyone know what battle Mar. 12 1967 was called except being in the Khon Toun where it took place. Was it ever gave a battle contact designation?

Chuck Coates Sr. -- Bradenton FL  -- 05/25/2020

5639. Hi everyone. It has been quite some time since I have posted here but just want you all to know that I haven't forgot you all or the men that paid the ultimate sacrifice. I have been dealing with a lot of excruciating pain in my right hip,thigh, calf and shin making it almost impossible to walk until the meds kick in.

With that said I pause to remember;

LT Everette E Johnson Jr, Walter T Geiger, Kenyon E Bean,

Robert L Murphy, Donald S Holke, Joe H Furch, Jose Ramos Jr,

Rodney L Hoffman, Bernard J Meirndorf and Ronald S Sandel.

David C Crocker -- Clinton MD  -- 05/24/2020

5638. On this Memorial Day Weekend I want to wish all Cacti, everywhere, a happy and blessed time. I know this year Memorial Day activities will be far different from those we celebrated in the past but wish each of you to celebrate the memories of our fallen brothers and sisters in your own way. Ensure our fallen Cacti are never forgotten by saying their names; remembering them from your time together; pausing and reflecting on the sacrifices they made to ensure our nation and way of life survive. My wish for each of you and your families is you continue to be safe and live for each of our brethren who did not. Take Arms Left Arm High

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 05/24/2020

5637. Remembering Robert Lynn Shook, KIA August-2-69. Never forgotten brother- until we meet again

Freddie R Shook -- Adel GA  -- 05/24/2020

5636. To Mike Branin C 1/35 who was KIA Nov. 13, 1968 on LZ Jean. It's been 52 years Mike and this is the first year with no parade. There's a Pandemic called COVID 19 out there making people sick. This year I dedicate Memorial Day to you and all the men and women who gave all in the service to this nation. God bless those who continue to serve and sacrifice to keep this nation free.

Timothy S Baranyay -- Whiting NJ  -- 05/23/2020


KIA 5.19.67 MISS YOU

Michael E Johnson -- Phoenix AZ  -- 05/19/2020

5634. Had command of A Company, and HHC in Hawaii during the reactivation of the 25th Inf Division. Anyone remember me?

Larry Mladek -- Georgetown TX  -- 05/18/2020

5633. In remembrance of Charles Bazzinotti and Paul Ramos, Jr. B 2/35 who died in the service of their country 50 years ago May 13, 1970 in a tragic accident upon return from Cambodia.

Rest in peace.

And in memory of the men who sustained injuries in the aftermath. Along with tribute to those for their heroic deeds of rescue attempt.

Cambodia Incursion May7, 1970-May 13, 1970

Cacti Forever

John Linn -- Sydney NS Australia -- 05/13/2020

5632. Take Arms... I served as the HHC 2/35 Medical Platoon Sergeant from 2008-2011. Such an honor and privilege to be apart of this great Regiment.


CSM Roderick Taylor

Roderick Taylor -- Hinesville GA  -- 05/11/2020

5631. In remembrance of Richard 'Dick' Matheis B 2/35 who died in the service of his country 50 years ago on May 8, 1970 in Cambodia. Rest in peace for all eternity.

John Linn -- Sydney NS Australia -- 05/08/2020

5630. I recently learned of a passing of a platoon member 1st Platoon, Company C 2/35. Vietnam 1967-68. Oleomar Barraza, desceased September 26, 1947 January 7, 2019. Rest in peace Oleo. https:www.dignitymemorial.comobituariesvictoria-txoleomar-barraza-8119742

Kenneth Smith -- Silsbee TX  -- 05/07/2020

5628. : After seeing the mental health problems the Doctors and Nurses are having coping with COVOD-19, makes me appreciate and respect more the Medics in our units, Nurses and Doctors at the MASH units and the Evac's who saw so much more.

Gary 1/35 Alpha 67-68

Garry Dittmer --   -- 05/05/2020

5627. Hello All,

It is an honor to be among you as a Soldier that has served in 2-35 INF BN. I served in 2014-2017 in Cacti, my first unit. It will always hold a special place in my heart. Still serving, currently overseas. I look back at all the memories I have and there is immense pride to be one of you.

Thank you everyone for your service and your camaraderie in arms.


Doc Best

2/35 HHC

Voodoo PLT

C CO 1st PLT Reaper Medic


Stephen Best --   -- 04/26/2020

5626. Hello,

My father served in the Korean War Dec 1951- Feb 1953

25th Division 35th Infantry Regiment

I'm trying to plan a 90th bday drive-by to celebrate this mans life & service to his country. Can you give any advice or help on this matter?

He lives in Doylestown PA & I'm trying to contact anyone I can think of to help organize a drive by salute to this man on Friday May 1st.

Please let me know if you can help in anyway.

Thank you

Dianna Berger


Dianna Berger --   -- 04/22/2020

5625. My name is Justin Olson. My grandfather was SP4 Ronald Leon Olson. I happened upon this website while searching for information regarding my grandfather. I know very little about him, seeing as my own father was merely six months old when my grandfather was lost. If anyone that reads this knew him, remembers him, has photos of him, or even has a story to tell about him, I would love to hear from you.

I can be reached at justin.olsonvt@gmail.com

I hope everyone is doing well.

(Ron Olson was with A,2/35; KIA 11/24/1969 editor)

Justin M Olson -- Burlington VT  -- 04/21/2020

5624. : Hope everyone. Staying. Safe ,

Hello to. All. My buddies. C. Co 2/35

Nov. 68. Nov 69

Charles Rea -- Harrison AR  -- 04/13/2020

5623. Hi,

I'm trying to find a source to order a flag for the Cacti (Green) 35th Inf. 4th Div. My husband was in Vietnam 1969-1970.

Thanks in advance,


Char Dugas --   -- 04/10/2020

5622. : I'm curious - I see nothing about the former Army Reserve unit - 3/35th, that was demobilized in 1994. For almost 30 years it was part of the 187th Infantry Bde (Sep), US Army Reserve, and one of the last US Army Reserve Infantry units.

William Edward Utley -- Monrovia MD  -- 04/08/2020

5621. Stay healthy and strong Cacti, Peace.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 04/05/2020

5620. Here's a tip to relieve congestion I've used over the years: fill a small pot about 1/3 full with water and once it boils, inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth. When I feel congested I do this several times a day and it helps. Stay healthy!

Gary D

A Co, 1/35th 67-68

Gary Dittmer -- Woodbridge VA  -- 04/01/2020

5619. Just a short note to wish everyone who served in 1st Battalion 35th Infantry a safe time during this corona virus just stay home stay safe and if you have to leave for any reason please stay protected.

Wayne Lund

B 1/35, Hq 1/35(recon),Battalion 1/35 LRRP 1966-1967

Wayne D Lund -- San Antonio Te  -- 03/30/2020

5618. Thanks to all for your service on this Vietnam veterans day

Robert Flatt --   -- 03/29/2020

5617. Remembering Larry Comis B 2/35 KIA March 24, 1970. You are not forgotten. Rest in peace.

John Linn -- Sydney Australia -- 03/23/2020

5616. C,1st 35th, August 1968-August 1969 I was at the Oasis on Mother's Day 1969

John G Bullio --   -- 03/17/2020

5615. This is to remember the supreme sacrifice of Sp.4 James Perrone, KIA on March 12, 1967. His family is grateful to those brave Cacti with whom he served, and for keeping his memory of his bravery in front of us after all of these years.

Glenn Perrone -- Ridgewood NJ  -- 03/12/2020

5614. Remembering Nelson Blum KIA 68 years ago today a great guy and soldier. March 11, remembering four other members of my platoon: Daniel Carter, Gene Stringer, Carmelo Cordone and Ivan Steenbergh. All members of Co. I 35th RCT... God Bless these truly great heroes.

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 03/09/2020

5613. On the 7th March 1966 we received words a special person was KIA in Vietnam. SGT BENJAMIN GEORGE SPEARS. My big brother.

Each year I have try to write a memorial about him, honoring his memories. Each year I have a rough time trying to say different things about him and not write the same things over and over.

Nothing ever really change, I still miss him terrible, I always wonder, what if, I still LOVE him even though he not here.

I want to say thank you to everyone who has contact me about Ben it means so much to me to know you still remember him.

I would like to knowledge Mr. John Fielding who help me to fine this organization. Without his help I would not have had the chance to meet some of Ben fellow soldiers. I will cherish our friendship always.

Ben your baby sister will always LOVE you brother and miss you. Much Love,


Tera Williams -- Auburndale FL  -- 03/08/2020

5608. With great sorrow I am communicating the death of a Cacti and Recon bother Jack Jewell, known to all as Jake. Jake passed away February 21, 2020. Jake served with the 2nd/35th Recon 1969/1970.

Jake was a special person and touched all who he knew with his great sense of humor and his story telling. Once he started a story, you were so mesmerized that you could not help but pay full attention to what he was saying. Quite often his stories had a hilarious ending that made you forget all your troubles. In Nam he always was able to pick up everyone's spirits when needed.

Unfortunately, Jake was seriously wounded on April 8,1970 and his wounds often created several challenges for him the rest of his life. Despite these challenges anyone who met him found him to be an upbeat and positive individual. He continued to be a main focus when in a group with his entertaining personality. No one, I mean no one who knew Jake well will ever forget his flawless impersonation of Sammy Davis Jr.

The celebration of Jake's life has not yet been scheduled. The date and time will be communicated once it is determined by his family.

Len -- Fallston MD  -- 03/01/2020

5607. Fred Dewitt passed a couple of weeks ago. He served with D, 1/35th and Recon 1/35th 1967-68.

A Celebration of his Life will be :

Mar 21, 2020 1:15PM

Elks Lodge #1777

1455 Newland

Lakewood, CO 80214

Dick Arnold -- Indy IN  -- 02/21/2020

5606. My husband William C. ,Bill Kundo, was a Combat medic in Headquarters Company, 2nd Battalion, 4th infantry Division, 35th Infantry in Vietnam, I believe in 1969-70. He received the Purple Heart in An Khe. He died Nov, 2019 and I am hungry for any stories or memories of him by his fellow patriots. He had PTSD and didn't talk much about Vietnam. I would cherish any memories of him that I can share with our sons. We were married for 32 years but met long after his Vietnam days.

Peggy Kundo -- Panama City FL  -- 02/19/2020

5604. I have just posted photos from Dan Gleason, KIA 2-23-69, sent by his son, Jim Gleason. Dan was in C 2-35th. Please take a look and let me know if you can identify any of the Cacti in his photos.

Dave Muxo -- Orem Ut  -- 02/18/2020
Email -- http://www.cacti35th.org/photos/cactislideshow.php?directory=gleason

5603. Rest easy Fred, you are finally at peace and will remain alive in my memory.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 02/16/2020

5602. From Dave Collins

On a sad note, I was informed that Fred Dewitt passed as the result of a heart attack while driving to Michigan. His widow, Phyllis, is in Denver. His daughter will inform me of arrangements for his funeral which will be in Michigan at a time/date TBD. Dick Arnold, would you please give Assoc Leadership a heads-up.

Dick Arnold --   -- 02/15/2020

5600. ULYS FORD HAMILTON- Bravo Company sept 12-30, 1968 Quang Duc Province, passed at the Battle of The Volcano

My name is Fiona MacGregor, and I am a student at Westlake High School in Austin, Texas. My English class is reading The Things They Carried, and is now beginning a project memorializing servicemen whose names are on the Vietnam Memorial Wall. We are commemorating lost servicemen, and I received Ulys Ford Hamilton's name.

Through my research I found your name on cacti35th.org. I was wondering if you would be willing to share any memories, experiences or photos you have of Ulys Ford Hamilton that I can include in my memorial to make my tribute more personal.

If you would like to see similar projects to the one I'm working on and where my memorial will eventually be posted, please visit http://virtualvietnam.eanesisd.net/. Also, please feel free to contact my teacher, Leighann Fenter at lfenter@eanesisd.net.

Thank you very much for your time,

Fiona MacGregor

Fiona MacGregor --   -- 02/13/2020

5599. February 16, 1968 William Greenwell made the ultimate sacrifice. Rest in peace Bill you are not forgotten.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 02/12/2020

5598. Gentlemen,

I searching for veterans of the 28/29-May-1966 battle of LZ10 Alpha that have recollections of where the hundreds of NVA bodies may have been left if not buried due to the swampy conditions.


Richard Magner

Tiger 38, D/229th, 1st Cav 68/69

Richard W Magner -- Glastonbury CT  -- 02/10/2020

5597. Just got word James Fisher, Bravo 6 1969-1970, is in hospital in stable but critical condition. He's been an Association member since the beginning in 1999. Prayers would be appreciated.

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 02/08/2020

5596. To Whom It May Concern:

I appreciate the excellent research resource you created to honor the veterans of the 35th Infantry. One small correction: my uncle Richard McGillen served in Charlie Company, 2nd Battalion from 1968-1969. He is listed as Richard McGill. Do you know anyone I can talk to who would have served in Charlie during that time? I understand that some of the veterans would prefer not to talk to me, which I respect, so would you know of someone who would be willing to share? My name is Bruce Gillooly (Airborne Ranger). I was hoping to get to know my uncle a bit better. I can be reached at 210-284-4202 if you want to pass on my number.


Bruce Gillooly

Bruce Gillooly --   -- 01/25/2020

5595. Greetings from Vietnam. I am happy to report that the daily journals for the 1/35th, from Sep 68 through Jul 69 are now posted to our history. A huge thanks to David Fogg for sending these along. Go to the Daily Journal Index in the Vietnam section. Enjoy!

Jim Anderson --   -- 01/07/2020

5594. I am looking for information on Gary Sampson who served between September 1967 and February 1969. I have his service record which is a bit indistinct but show him with the 2nd Bn. but I am trying to establish which Company so that I can work through your combat reports and get an idea of what he experienced.

Would it be possible for me to post a request to your Veterans or would you be able to point me in the right direction.


Keith Sampson

Yorkshire, England

Keith Sampson --   -- 01/06/2020

5593. I want to remember and pay tribute to William (Steve) Illman and Jake Price, fine men and soldiers of B Company, 2nd/35th Infantry. Both made the ultimate sacrifice and were KIA in a fierce, day long battle on January 2, 1968. We will never forget them.

John Pipia, B Company, 1967/68

John Pipia --   -- 01/04/2020

5592. Happy 2020 New Year to all my fellow BROTHERS...

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 01/01/2020

5591. Ditto...post 5590...peace !!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/29/2019

5590. Wishing all my Cacti brothers a happy New Year. Congratulations on making it this far. Peace, Phil.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 12/29/2019

5589. I would like to re-connect with Cacti member Doc Joe Baker, C-2/35. He relocated to Florida from New York and I've lost track of him. He was with my oldest brother, Joseph Ledesma, Jr., on 20MAY67, when Joey was KIA in the Battle of Vinh Hien. Thanks for your help.

David Ledesma -- San Jose CA  -- 12/24/2019

5588. Hello,

My Grandfather, Carl Schell, served in Korea May 1951- March 1952 with Item Co, 3rd Battalion, 35th Infantry Regiment. He has since passed away, but I was digging around trying to get more info on his Korea experience. I found letters that he wrote back and forth with W.B. Woodruff Jr., Love Co, 3rd Battalion (1950-1951), from 1997 about a major battle during Sept 1951 near Pyonggang (Iron Triangle).

I have been doing research and found that the Army Maneuver Center of Excellence digitized a declassified field report by the 35th Infantry Regiment HQ about the attacks of Hills 717 and 682 in the Iron Triangle. I know W.B. and my grandfather were trying to piece together the event in 1997 and this could help any remaining survivors understand the details they were looking for all these years.

The document is 1145 pages and too large to send over e-mail. I cut it down to 18 pages of just the narrative section and I attached and sent to the

Nick Pulire -- Haymarket VA  -- 12/24/2019

5587. about two weeks before Christmas 1966, bob hope put on his show at Pleiku. joey Heatherton was there. hundreds of us were there. we all had our M16s with us. a great show. then we all sang silent night together. the song was a few minutes long but it was that for a brief moment you forgot where you were. the war was gone. I will never forget it. merry Christmas.

Lawrence Woff -- Milwaukie OR  -- 12/22/2019

5586. okay then, maybe next year!!!!

Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/15/2019


Larry Frias Jr -- San Diego CA  -- 12/14/2019

5584. Joyce and I want to wish all my Fellow Cacti a Merry Christmas and all the Best in the New Year.

Frank Dahl -- Billings MT  -- 12/10/2019

5583. rest in peace Doc Hall....u earned it..

Larry Frias Jr. -- San Diego CA  -- 12/08/2019

5582. One year ago today, Doc Hall left us...but then again he didn't. His presence will always remain in our hearts and mind. Amen.

Peter Birrow -- Gulfport FL  -- 12/06/2019

5581. If anyone has reunion pics from Jax, please send to Dave Muxo




Dick Arnold --   -- 12/04/2019

5580. I should have sent this earlier but thought you and the Association should know that CSM Joe Lucas (Ret.) passed away early Saturday morning November 23. He was buried in the Fort Mitchell (AL) National Cemetery, just across the Chattahoochee River from Fort Benning, GA where he started his military career. Graveside and church services were held with his family and many friends present.

Joe did two tours in Vietnam, first as a door gunner in 1964 and then he returned on Christmas day, 1965, flying directly into Pleiku Airport as part of the 3rd Brigade Task Force, 25th Infantry Division. It was to my benefit as a young and very green rifle platoon leader to have Joe as my platoon sergeant for the first three months of my tour.


TJ Blue --   -- 11/28/2019

5579. Just want to wish all my Cacti Brothers and Sisters a Happy Thanksgiving. As we gather with our family and friends to celebrate this holiday, pause a minute to reflect on our Cacti brethren who won't be sitting down with their families this year. I'm thankful for each of our active Cacti. May they stand firm in defense of our nation. Take Arms and Left Arm High.

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 11/26/2019

5578. Years ago I lost my CIB and don't know where to purchase an authentic one to replace it. After all these years, I've decided to put together a shadowbox of my service ribbons and other related things for my kids when I pass. There seems to be several types but not sure which is correct for me. Served 12/11/1967 to 12/11/1968 in Nam. Can anyone help?

Larry Edmister -- Niagara Falls NY  -- 11/23/2019

5577. a co. 2nd 35th nov 1967/68 pleiku combat vet.

some familiar names: steve tully, rick abel, ken Spradlin, bill yeary,harold Stratton, steve biyner, capt Henderson, lt latela

sept. 27 1968.lost 5 squad/platoon bros. sgt rbt knoll, Gerald stozek, brad wright, jerry denson & larry banek.(roger Rickert) any other platoon members out there? contact me,i have a few photos!!

Daniel A Dorsheimer -- Hummelstown PA  -- 11/18/2019

5576. I hope today, Veterans Day, was one of reflection and peace surrounded by loved ones and that you enjoyed the day. We've earned it.

Phil Landis -- Wake Forest NC  -- 11/12/2019

5575. want to advise all Cacti I just returned from a press conference held by U.S Rep. Joseph Morelle, representing the 25th Congressional District in New York. He reported on several initiatives currently in the House that can affect veterans. One is directed at homeless veterans, one at female veterans, one for children of homeless veterans. He also said the House has asked the VA for an accounting of the $5.4 million dollars budgeted for VA to begin initiatives aimed at reducing the number of veteran suicides from 22 a day. Morelle reported VA has spent $1.6 million dollars to date. The House is wondering why VA has not done more to reduce the number of daily suicides.

The Congressman also referenced each of the veteran associations who are currently working on behalf of our veterans. He called each organization by name, that list includes the 35th Infantry Regiment Association. It was nice hearing our association named.

Take Arms

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 11/08/2019

5574. I want to wish each of you, my brother and sister veterans a Happy Veterans Day on Monday 11/11/2019. We all encountered multiple challenges to receive the title of Veteran; once receiving the title this day becomes ours. Pause for a moment to remember our Cacti brother and sisters who are no longer with us; then go back to your family and enjoy the day. This national holiday is ours to have and enjoy, never forget it.

Mike Slyck -- Rochester NY  -- 11/08/2019

5573. Co.A 1st.Bal.35th Inf. Reg. 25th Inf. Div.

Dennis J Kulczyk -- North Tonawanda NY  -- 11/07/2019

5572. ......to all my fellow grunts ....happy 2019 halloween ....keep ur powder dry ....ears up eyes open .....stay safe .....

Larry Frias Jr. -- San Diego CA  -- 11/01/2019

5571. Just wanted to say with sadness I just found out my platoon Ldr. Lt. Walter Allen Twyford passed away back in May 0f this year which I was unaware of. He was there with me that night May 29,1967 during Battle of Tan Phong when our CO Cpt Ralph Walker and my squad leader Sgt William Silva were KIA. Lt. Twyford helped fill in some of the gaps that night that I didn't remember and some other verifications I needed.He was my Platoon Leader only for a short time cause later he went to S-3 Air. You will be greatly missed my friend and Cacti brother . We had our first reunion ever together in 2017 in Missouri where I got to meet his sister Marty and her husband and my first reunion with the Cacti.I would have never even known this if I hadn't tried to contact him by email and even tried called him which those efforts failed and got my concerns up.

Charles (Chuck) Coates -- Bradenton FL  -- 10/30/2019

5570. This is a great site! I wish more people would take such efforts to memorialize fallen service members.

(Editor: Al is a volunteer helping to obtain a photo of WWII Cacti KIA Arnold Nicolai)

Alan R. Koenig --  He MN -- 10/23/2019

5569. Served in Company A,1st/35th, from 2 Oct 67 - 30 Sep 68

David A Torrey -- Salina KS  -- 10/18/2019

5568. would like to thank those individuals for hosting this years reunion. A lot of work went into putting this together. thank you for all your hard work. Met a few new people I hadn't met before, but none from my time specifically that could shed some light on questions i still had. It was still great meeting new Cacti Brothers even if from different years. If anyone was in the 1st platoon and and was in Sgt Silva's squad and knew him and was in the Battle of Tan Phong May 29 1967 it would be great hearing from you. As it now stands Im the only squad member still alive right now . I would like to meet someone from Sgt Silva's squad and maybe you might remember me. Have a blessed day.

Charles (Chuck) Coates -- Bradenton FL  -- 10/13/2019

5567. Eugene Edward Stell Jr. served two Vietnam tours with the Cacti. From May, 1966-67 he was 1/35th Recon Platoon and wounded 01/22/1967. Second tour was August,1967-69 with C,1/35th, wounded again 12/02/1968. Eugene passed in 1998. His daughter is looking for anyone who knew her Dad.

Thanks Guys!


Dick Arnold --   -- 10/07/2019

5566. Since there were no financial statements handed out of the reunion, how does a person go about getting a copy?

Terry Savely --   -- 10/07/2019

5565. Comment: Had a great time this year in Jacksonville visiting with the men that I served with in the Nam.Thanks to everyone the worked so hard to put on the events,they were all great. I want to step out on a limb and say something on behalf of the 3 people that donated the 3 quilts for the raffle after the dinner, the quilts were beautiful and the work that was put into them was extensive, I know because my wife was the creator of one the quilts. It took many many hours not to speak of the cost of the material, and the cost of the quilting machines that were used on these quilts. Diane Hooven and Sherry Rose and Terry Ayala thank you for your generosity on donating these works of art, In closing I think someone dropped the ball on letting these women be recognized before the raffle. I think it was a shame because of all the work that was put into letting everyone know that these women did this out of love for the Veterans and the Cacti family. I would like to see this handled in a

better fashion next time. Thanks for letting us express our concerns.Doc Rose

Gary Rose --  NC  -- 10/03/2019