Vietnam War Timeline

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8 March 1969
Submitted by: Dave Fogg

3rd Bde 4th Inf Div
Bn (1/35) Forward Fire Base
LZ Mary YA783917

Unit Locations:
A 1/35 CP 778923
B 1/35 CP LZ Mary
C 1/35 CP LZ Mary
D 1/35 CP 785909
Recon LZ Pause
4.2" Mortar LZ Bass

Summary: Log opened at 0001 hours 8 March 1969. Unit locations: At LZ Mary YA783917; Battalion Headquarters (Forward), B Company, C Company; D Company 785909; Recon platoon LZ Pause; 4.2 mortar platoon LZ Bass; At LZ Oasis; Headquarters and headquarters Company Support (S-4 Forward): At Base Camp (Camp Enari); Battalion Headquarters (Rear).

At 1221 hours a report was received that 20 had been hit with fragments from a 122mm Rocket at Polei Kleng and his condition at this time is unknown. At 2200 hours B Company 81 element reports that they saw the rocket flashes azimuth 80 degrees 1-1 1/2 clicks out and the rounds appeared to be heading towards LZ Swinger.

1221 hours (C) 20 has been hit with fragments from a 122mm rocket at Polei Kleng and his condition at this time is unknown.

1231 hours (C) Condition of 20 is as follows: Small piece of frag in the lower left calf, surgeon says that it is not serious.

2007 hours (C) 812 at grid 759921 has movement at an azimuth of 300 degrees and a distance of 100-150 meters moving toward the night location.

2054 hours (C) The movement is moving off to the Northeast at this time.

2200 hours (C) B Co 81 element saw the rocket flash at an azimuth of 80 degrees 1-1 1/2 clicks out and heading to the Northeast aim towards LZ Swinger.

2201 hours (U) DELAYED ENTRY-2145 hours 8 Mar 69- At 2145 hours A Co heard tracked vehicles at an azimuth of 110 degrees long distance out.

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