Take Arms |
NONE Co. 1st/35th Infantry Regiment
Cacti Green
PFC Kenneth B. Downum, Jr |
1966 to 1969
SGT Eugene Edward Stell Jr. |
| Eugene served with HHC,1st/35th, 1966-67 and was wounded 01/22/1967. His second Vietnam tour was 1967-69 with C,1st/35th and with them he was wounded again on 12/02/1968. He passed away 01/24/1998, age 52.
1968 to 1969
Larry Wisner |
| Machine Gunner A & E 1/35th
05-44 to 01-46
SGT Charles R. Wilson |
| Platoon Leader 1st Squad, 2nd Plt
12-46 to 12-47
PFC Frank V. Meehan |
| (Irish) BAR Man 1st Squad, 1st Platoon
1-47 to 3-48
PFC James D. Ballance |
| (J.B.) Train, train, train 1st Squad, 1st Platoon
1948 to 1951
Leonard Fessman |
11-50 to 11-51
Allen D. Johnson |
11-55 to 4-58
SP4 Wilburn D. Prickett Jr. |
| Squad Leader, BAR 1st Sq Wpn Plt, 2nd Sq 4th Plt Baker Co. 1/35th, Delta Co. 1st Battle Group 35th Inf.
| (Bull Dozer) Driver 4th Platoon
10-57 to 11-57
CPL William Edward Eberharte |
1958 to 1959
COL Peter Houben USA(Ret) |
1959 to 1963
Gary Lee Dalton, USA (Ret) |
60 to 1962
Richard G. Miller |
1960 to 1967
CPT Roger A. Ellis USA (Ret) |
| (Doc) Medic, Evac, Sgt Medic Platoon
1-60 to 04-63
SP4 James M. McRaney |
| (JayMac) Admin Spc Was with 1st Battle Group at Schofield
04-60 to 09-63
SGT John H. Berger |
| Mortar Plt FO and 81MM Sq Ldr Mortar Plt
06-60 to 02-63
PFC Tennis Newsom |
9-60 to 6-63
SP4 Harold F. Childers |
| (Chili) RTO 2nd plt / Honor Guard plt
1-61 to 8-63
SP4 Keith S. Melby |
| (Melb) Gunner, 81 Mortar 1st Squad, Weapons Plt.
02-61 to 10-63
PFC Charles Pritchard |
| (Cholly) Cook 941.10 Mess Section Charles later joined the National Guard and retired from that organization.
08-61 to 09-64
Cyrille J. DuShane |
| (Duke) 4.2 Forward Observer HHC 1Battle Grp 35 Inf. TDY to 118th Avn in VN with SHOTGUN PLATOON
10-61 to 02-63
James DiDomenico |
1962 to 1964
George E. Tatar |
1962 to 1969
Virgil N. Sisiam |
1962 to 1966
Joe E. Lucas |
1962 to 1964
Earl J. Beaty |
1962 to 1966
Timothy J. Crotty |
1962 to 1964
SGT Bruce K. Kilgore |
| Heavy Weapons Weapons Platoon
1963 to 1966
Ronald Crocker |
| Shotgun Platoon Door Gunner
1963 to 11-66
SSG Harold F. Stewart |
1963 to 1965
Dale E. Porter |
1963 to 1966
COL Ralph R. Burr USA (Ret) |
1963 to 1967
Wesley H. Dobson |
1963 to 1966
Thomas A. Backscheider |
1963 to 1965
Philip S. Andrews |
1963 to 1964
LTC Thomas A. Simcox, USA, (Ret) |
03-63 to 03-65
SP5 Royce B. Davis |
| (Doc) Medic Medical Platoon
4-63 to 11-65
SSG Wilkie Springwater |
| Squad Leader Also was Team Leader with Recon Platoon and LRRP with 2nd Platoon, C Co., 1/35th from 12-66 to 12-67
10-63 to 12-66
SSG Jimmie H. Ford |
| fwd observer, infrantry platoo 3rd platoon
11-63 to 5-66
SGT Ray Pace |
| Squad Leader Weapons Platoon
12-63 to 06-66
SP5 Dale F. Conners |
1-64 to 6-66
SP5 Douglas A. Ottaway |
1964 to 1966
LTC Charles W. Lenz, USA (Ret) |
1964 to 1966
SFC Tom P. Lindquist USA(Ret) |
1964 to 1967
SSG Noble Hyde USA (Ret) |
1964 to 1966
Jerry W. Parker |
1964 to 1967
Johnny M. Simmons |
1964 to 1966
SP4 Dennis J. Kulczyk |
1964 to 1966
Marshall B. Jackson |
1964 to 1966
Alford Sanes |
1964 to 1966
Manuel R. Niemann |
2-64 to 11-65
SP4 Jerry Erwin |
| (Red) 4.2 Forward Observer Mortar Platoon
| M-60 Machine Gunner Weapons Squad, 1st Platoon
| Weapons Squad, 1st Platoon
64 to 66
Raymond O. Pollion |
| Weapons Squad, 3rd Platoon
1-64 to 9-65
SP4 Edward C. Bennett |
2-64 to 9-66
SP4 John J. Burrowes |
| 81mm Gunner, 3/4 Driver Heavy Weapons Platoon
2-64 to 9-66
SSG John Poppert |
| Section Leader Weapons Platoon
03-64 to 03-67
SP4 Joe Juarez Rivas |
| (Joe) Weapons Inf'Man Recon plt
4-64 to 4-66
CPT Anthony E. Bisantz |
4-64 to 11-66
SSG Charles E. Norris |
| (Chuck) Recon Squad Leader Recon Platoon
04-64 to 01-67
SGT Curtis C. Ingram |
| Squad Leader 2st platoon- 2rd Squad
04-64 to 12-66
SSG Roger A. Thiessen |
| (T) F.O., Platoon SGT Weapons Plt
5-64 to 6-66
SGT Mike Saffold |
| Squad Leader 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon
9-64 to 12-66
PFC Richard Welch |
| Radio and Squad Leader 3rd Platoon
11-64 to 12-66
SGM Gerald Fontana USA(Ret) |
| (Fonz/Paco) Rifleman, Squad Leader After leaving the Cacti, I made a career out of the military and retired in 1984 as the Operations Sergeant Major of the Delta Force.
12-64 to 7-66
SSG Bernard Collins |
| (Sarge) Platoon Sergeant 3rd Platoon
12-64 to 6-66
SP4 Wynwood N. Curry |
| (V.C.) RTO/Interpreter 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
1965 to 1966
George E. Beuschold |
1965 to 1966
Nassie Grantham |
1965 to 1966
Frederick W. Weatherson |
1965 to 1967
SP4 Larry G. Melton |
| Rifleman/Armorer 1st Platoon/HQ Became a Drill Sergeant in the reserves. Served with the 85th and 84th divisions.
1-65 to 12-66
SP4 Mike Kellermeyer |
| F. O. 4.2 Inch Mortar Recon (Attached)
1965 to 1966
Lonzell Brown Jr. |
1965 to 1967
Werner Grieb |
1965 to 1966
COL Robert J. Familetti USA(Ret) |
1965 to 1967
Merley J. Clarke |
1965 to 1966
CW4 Ronald W. Smith USA(Ret) |
1965 to 1967
Glen H. Muscato |
1965 to 1967
Joseph R. Cutaia |
1965 to 1966
Thomas C. Barron |
1965 to 1966
Elzer N. Coates |
1965 to 1966
Lloyd K. Owens, Sr. |
1965 to 1966
Larry E. Smith |
1965 to 1966
Frederick W. Weatherson |
1965 to 1966
Elijah Q. Wiggins |
1965 to 1966
Osizy McCrory |
1965 to 1966
Earl Frank Terrell |
1965 to 1966
Jesus M. Pena |
65 to 66
Roosevelt Brooks |
1965 to 1966
PFC Leon Washinton |
1965 to 1966
SP4 Robert F. Baker |
| (Skip) RTO 40 Years Military Service. Retired 2005. MSG Special Forces 18Z Afghanistan 2002
1965 to 1966
SGT Robert W. Flatt |
| M60 Gunner, Squad Ldr 2nd Platoon
4-65 to 10-66
SGT Carl F. Swisher |
4-65 to 11-66
PFC Oscar J. Whatley |
04-65 to 11-66
Daniel M> Yonosh |
1965 to 1967
Jack P. Baldwin, MD |
04-65 to 12-66
James A. Waldon |
5-65 to 12-66
SP4 Richard Esgana Hunter |
| Rifleman 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
5-65 to 6-66
SP4 Agustin Fernandez |
| (Augie) Grenadier/Rifleman
05/65 to 10/66
SP4 Garnett E. Bell |
| (Bill) Intel S-2 HHC/Wpns A 1/35
05-68 to 09-68
SP4 Richard A. Meyers |
| Weapons, 90mm Gunner
9-65 to 11-66
SP4 Edwin E. Hill |
| Recon Squad Leader 1st Squad, Recon Platoon
9-65 to 12-66
Benjamin Dowdell |
9-65 to 12-66
SP4 Carlos Lopez |
| Rifleman, Recon 3rd Squad
09-65 to 07-67
SP5 Charles A. Turner |
09-65 to 12-66
SGT Clifford R. Totten |
09-65 to 12-66
SGT James A. Meisner |
10-65 to 11-66
SP4 James R. Sinclair Jr. |
| (Jim) Armorer HQ
10-65 to 12-66
SP4 Ernest E. Starniri Jr |
| (Turk) Weapons Platoon
11-65 to 8-66
MAJ Alvino Cortez USA (Ret) |
11-65 to 11-66
2LT Peter C. Ewing |
12-65 to 12-66
SP4 Gordon James |
| (June Boy) Mortor F.O. 2nd Platoon B.A. and M.A. Degrees from Rutgers. I have been working at the Trenton Vet Center as a Re-adjustment Counseling Therapist since 4/97.
12-65 to 1-67
SGT Ron Sims |
| (Jr, Sims) 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
12-65 to 06-66
SP4 Ronald Lightfoot |
12-65 to 12-66
SP4 Stanley E. Stewart |
| Mechanic mos 63 B 20 HHC Motorpool
12/65 to 12/66
CPL Marcos Cadriel |
| Rifleman 3rd Plt. (3rd herd)
12-65 to 9-66
SP4 John M. Tullett |
| (Breeze) Rifleman/RTO 3rd Platoon (3rd Herd) I have never had contact with any person from my unit since I was medevaced out to the Philippines in Aug 66. Would like to hear from someone who was in the unit at the same time as me.(A 1/35)
1966 to 1967
CPT Lloyd H. Yoshino |
1966 to 1967
Jack Kiakona |
1966 to 1968
Roy A. Mickan |
1966 to 7-66
MSG Carl Whitworth, USA (ret) |
| Rifleman, M60 Served 20 years in the Army, retired as MSG E8 in 1985.
1966 to 1967
James L. Beard |
1966 to 1967
Layton D. Drew |
1966 to 1967
Paul W. Mullins |
1966 to 1967
Gary M. Stickles |
1966 to 1967
Darwin E. Reid |
1966 to 1967
Johnny F. Madonich |
1966 to 1967
CSM Kenneth Stumpf USA(Ret) |
1966 to 1967
David F. Batungbacal |
1966 to 1967
Arley H. Parker |
1966 to 1967
MSG Gary A. Becker USA(Ret) |
| Humped the heaviest pack in the Company. 2nd Tour with Americal in Duc Pho
1966 to 1968
Donald G. Parent, Jr. |
1966 to 1967
Thomas J. Selhime |
1966 to 1967
Paul V. Sausedo |
1966 to 1967
Robert T. Lonergan |
| (Smokie Drill) A Team Leader 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
1966 to 1967
Pace Caldwell |
| (Pace) Rifleman 3rd Heard, 1st Squad
William H. Kline Jr. |
1966 to 1967
SSG Ronald L. Fry |
| (Mess Daddy) Mess Sgt HHQ PLATOON
1966 to 1967
SGT Gary W. Stallcup |
| (G-wayne) RTO - Squad Leader 1st or 3rd Platoon
01-66 to 11-66
SP4 James Schupmann |
| (JoEllen) grenadier 2nd platoon-1st.squad
1966 to 1967
SP4 Carlton C. Crossett |
1966 to 1967
SFC Raymond J. Calvez |
| Sqd Ldr & Plt SSG 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
2-66 to 5-66
SP4 Harvey C. Hilbert |
3-66 to 5-66
SP4 James D. McTaggart |
| Fire Team Leader 3rd Squad
4-66 to 4-67
SP4 Wilbur C. Robinson |
4-66 to 4-67
SP4 Harley D. Eshleman |
4-66 to 4-67
John F. Piazza |
04-66 to 04-67
1SGT James E. Gunter, USA, (Ret) |
04-66 to 04-67
Isidro S. Santos |
04-66 to 04-67
SP4 Lawrence D. Woff |
| (Woffman) Infantry 3rd Platoon
04-66 to 04-67
PFC Thomas J. Giorgi |
4-66 to 4-67
SSG Alonzo Jones |
| Squad Leader, Platoon SGT 2nd and 3rd Platoon Served in the U.S. Army during period 15 Aug 1958 to 1 Dec 1978. Held every Enlisted position in an Infantry Rifle Company (Rifleman to First Sergeant). I'm interested in hearing from former comrades/buddies.
4-66 to 4-67
SP4 LeRoy D. Johnson |
| (Johnnie) Machine Gunner 1st Plt, Weapons Squad
05-66 to 09-66
Claude B. Grant |
5-66 to 5-67
1LT Lawrence K. Connor |
| (Larry, 71, Yankee 6) Platoon Leader, XO 3rd Platoon Also Bn. Liaison Officer to Bn. CO, HHQ
5-66 to 5-67
SP4 Ronald Gary Ahmann |
| RTO 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon
05-66 to 03-67
SP4 Thomas J. Importico |
5-66 to 5-67
SP4 Hoyt H. Mason |
| (Preacher, Gomer) Gunner 4.2 Mortar
05-66 to 05-67
CPL Aroldo J. Garcia |
6-66 to 9-66
SGT James L. Taylor |
1966 to 1967
David V. Sossamon |
06-66 to 06-67
SP4 David R. Petrey |
06-66 to 06-67
SSG James Brown |
| (Witch Doctor) Medic Recon
7-66 to 1-67
SP4 James D. Steele |
| (Jim) FO/RTO 3rd Platoon With B-1-35 for ops: Paul Revere I,II, III(WIA so missed IV) and Thayer II in Bong Song. 3rd Brigade LRRPs '67 on Pershing, and TF Oregon, Duc Pho (Webster's Team). WIA on 21 April 1967 then Stateside. Back to Nam all of '92,93,94, 95, part of 96.
7-66 to 7-67
SSG Wayne D. Lund |
| (Lucky) Squad Leader B 1/35th, HHC 1/35th and 3rd Bde LRRP
07-66 to 11-66
2LT Calvin R. Graef Jr. |
08-66 to 07-67
Ronald D. Ray |
8-66 to 3-67
SP4 Richard L. Snyder |
| (Doc) Rifleman 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
8-66 to 8-67
1LT William M. Dalehite Jr. |
| (Bill) Plt Leader & Bn S-1
08/66 to 08/67
1LT Anthony F. Caggiano |
| (Tony) Platoon Leader 2nd Plt.; Recon Plt; Spt Plt Tony Caggiano (Col., Ret.)
19-66 to 05-67
Oda L. Scott |
09-66 to 09-67
SGT Richard L. Dickinson |
| (Dick) M-60, Squad Leader
09-66 to 09-67
SGT William M. Waits |
| (Alabama) squad leader 2nd platoon 2 squad
9-66 to 9-67
LTC Thomas J. Blue USA (Ret) |
| (TJ) Rifle Plt Ldr, Recon Plt Ldr 1st/4th Platoons -- Recon Plt Also Asst S-3/LNO
9-66 to 9-67
SGT Dale W. Kindred |
| (Big Red) 1st Squad, 4th Platoon
9-66 to 9-67
SP4 Marvin Douglas |
| Squad Leader 3 Squad 3rd Platoon
10-66 to 2-68
SGT Charles R. McElfish |
| (Chuck) Grunt, did it all I think 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
10-66 to 6-67
SP4 H. Lynn Morris |
10-66 to 11-66
Vance W. Walker |
| Plt Sgt 1st Platoon Wounded by land mine on 11/05/66 - riding APC looking for anyone that recalls incident
10-66 to 5-67
SP4 Kenneth L. Phoenix |
| Rifleman 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon
11-66 to 11-67
SP4 George R. Munzing Sr. |
| (Munz) Forward Re-Supply
11/66 to 08/67
SGT Richard V. Cruz |
11-66 to 11-67
SSG Edwin Vega |
11-66 to 4-67
SP4 Darryl W. Rademacher |
| (Ratt) 81mm Mortar Gunner
12-66 to 12-67
Robert Mendoza |
12-66 to 12-67
SP4 Charles G. Bradley |
| (Buddy) Point 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon
12-66 to 11-67
SP4 Curtis Wimer |
12-66 to 12-67
1LT Bill Malenchek |
| Platoon Leader 1st & 3rd Platoon
1967 to 1968
Lee Bridgmon |
1967 to 1968
Ramiro Ochoa |
1967 to 1968
Harry E. Miller |
1-67 to 1-68
SGT Jerry Levine |
| Rifleman 1st Squad, Recon Platoon
1967 to 1968
David A. Manrique |
1967 to 1968
Donald W. Burkhart |
1967 to 1968
Winfred Cooksey |
1967 to 1968
Clarence C. Davenport |
1967 to 1968
SGT John Dorow |
| Squad Leader 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
1967 to 1968
Carl R. Eckleberry |
1967 to 1968
Robert W. Floyd |
1967 to 1968
John W. Heelan |
1967 to 1968
Joseph G. Reed |
1967 to 1968
Joseph C. Reyerson |
1967 to 1968
William R. Slusher |
1967 to 1968
Michael M. Daniel |
1967 to 1968
Gary Perkins |
1967 to 1969
Richard R. Kinder |
1967 to 1968
Michael W. McCann |
1967 to 1968
Richard J. Adams |
1967 to 1968
Paul F. Aubin |
1967 to 1968
Paul K. Bleem |
1967 to 1968
Thomas E. Dilley |
1967 to 1968
Robert J. Fleck |
1967 to 1968
William M. Gertken |
1967 to 1968
COL William W. Taylor Jr USA(Ret) |
| (Bill) Battalion CO 1/35th 1967
1967 to 1968
Lyle T. Shargent |
1967 to 1968
Carl A. Scarano |
1967 to 1968
James E. Manderfield |
1967 to 1968
John C. Fong |
1967 to 1968
David R. Collins |
1967 to 1968
Kenneth M. Vancil |
1967 to 1968
Phillip F. Surace |
1967 to 1968
Gerald P. Kuczewski |
1967 to 1968
Robert D. Maltby |
1967 to 1967
Douglas J. Oliver |
1967 to 1968
Louis W. Venema |
1967 to 1968
CPT Frederick J. DeWitt USA(Ret) |
1967 to 1968
Larry N. Van Den Busch |
1967 to 1968
1LT Monty Lafitte |
| FO Attached from 2/9th Artillery
1967 to 1968
Orville A. Nye |
1967 to 1968
Bruce E. Cavanaugh |
1967 to 1968
William J. Venable |
1967 to 1968
William Erickson |
1967 to 1968
Allen Glader |
1967 to 1968
Ellis W. Fagan |
| Point Man 2nd Platoon World Class Pointman with A 1/35th
1967 to 1968
Gerald Duggan |
| Head Witch Doctor, Delta Company
1967 to 1968
Allan T. Vig |
1967 to 1968
Lyle D. Hawn |
CPT Geoffrey Ellerson |
1967 to 1968
Leroy T. Satterwhite |
1967 to 1968
Joseph Evans |
1967 to 1968
Ronald J. Hopkins |
1967 to 1968
Leroy Toliver |
1967 to 1969
Jerome S. McAfee |
1967 to 1968
Robert W. Thompson |
1967 to 1968
John K. Terry |
1967 to 1968
Dennis W. Snyder |
1967 to 1968
MAJ George C. d'Avignon, USA (Ret) |
1966 to 1967
Jon M. Ingenthron |
9-67 to 9-68
SGT Steven B. VanBibber |
1967 to 1968
SP4 Michael E. Hogan |
| (Hogie) RTO, Squad Leader 1st Squad, 1st Platoon
1967 to 1968
LTC Charles W. Chaplinski, USA (Ret) |
1967 to 1968
SGT Phillip C. Collins |
1967 to 1968
Steven L. Just |
1967 to 1968
James E. Thomas |
1967 to 1968
Gordon T. Gray |
1967 to 1968
SGT Mike Whitaker |
| Grenade Launcher, RTO 2nd Platoon
CPT John H. Cavender |
1967 to 1969
SP5 Richard B. Botsford |
| (Dick) Sr Aidman Deceased Nov 24, 1998. Submitted by Edward Benigno
01-67 to 08-67
1LT John G. McRae |
| (John) Platoon Leader 1st Platoon
1967 to 1968
SGT Chuck Cooper |
| (2-3 golf) RTO,SQUAD LEADER 2nd platoon-3rd squad
1967 to 1968
Norbert Teklinsky |
1-67 to 1-68
SP4 John E. Wagner Jr. |
| (Jack) RTO
2-67 to 2-68
SSG Cecil O. Rickman |
2-67 to 10-67
MSG Dennis R. McPeak USA(Ret) |
2-67 to 2-68
SSG Richard Wallace |
| (Dick) LRRP, Squad Leader 4th Platoon
3-67 to 3-68
SGT David C. Crocker |
| RTO, Rifleman, Co. Clerk Third Platoon
4-67 to 4-68
SGT Stephen L. Weeks |
| Wounded on July 15, 1967. Returned to C 1/35 after 3 months. My memories are both crystal clear and hazy all at the same time.
4-67 to 4-68
SP4 John T. Harar |
| Grunt, Door Gunner 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon Also Aloha Airlines HHC
04-67 to 02-68
Larry G. Starling |
04-67 to 02-68
SP4 Robert T. Marley |
| (Bob) Rifleman & RTO 2nd & 4th platoon
04-67 to 03-68
SGT Steven W. Dickerson |
| (Dickie) RTO, Squad Leader 1st, 4th, Company CP
04/67 to 04/68
SGT Rich Haupt |
4-67 to 4-68
SGT Lowell Jons |
| (Big Jon) Weapons Squad Leader 2nd Platoon
04-67 to 04-68
SGT Richard G. Stevens |
| (Steve) Point, Squad Leader
05-67 to 03-68
Lawrence W. Rhoads |
05-67 to 05-68
John L. Roussell |
5-67 to 5-68
SGT Ronald R. Ensor |
| M60 Gunner Weapons Squad, 3rd Platoon
5-67 to 5-68
SGT Roger E. Surprenant |
| (Soup) Point, RTO, Squad Leader 2nd Platoon
5-67 to 5-68
SGT Richard Arnold |
| (Bright Eyes) M60 Gunner 2nd Platoon PRESIDENT CACTI ASSN 2001-2003
05-67 to 05-68
PVT Art Hughes |
5-67 to 5-68
SP4 Donald L. Hambrick |
| (Jumpy) Machine Gunner 2nd Platoon
6-67 to 10-67
2LT Tim Peters |
| (Thirty) Platoon Leader 3rd Platoon
6-67 to 6-68
SGT James R. Dyer |
| (Jimmer) RTO I am not sure which company I was assigned with. "A" company rings a bell. I am very interested in any information about this period of my life.
6-67 to 1-68
SP5 Joseph C. Wood |
| (Woody) Pointman, Rifleman, Gunner 2rd Platoon
6-67 to 6-68
Alfred E. Cook |
6-67 to 6-68
SGT James L. Allen Jr. |
06-67 to 06-68
SP4 David (Russ) R. Saunders |
| (Sandy) 4 DUECE/ R.T.O. BRAVO C.P.
06/67 to 05/68
SP4 Ron W. Frye |
| (TN Ridge Runner) 3rd Platoon
06/67 to 08/67
1LT John G. McRae |
06-67 to 06-68
SP4 Donald F. Tyler |
7-67 to 7-68
SGT Rienhardt E. Dannhaus |
| (Sonny) RTO 3rd Platoon, CP
7-67 to 2-68
SGT Gary D. Dittmer |
| 11 Bravo 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
7-67 to 7-68
SP5 Steven J. Halbrook |
7-67 to 7-68
SGT Edward Justis |
07-67 to 12-67
2LT Richard W. Gladis |
| (Roadrunner) Platoon Leader 2nd Platoon
8-67 to 8-68
SGT Jimmy D. Cypert |
| (CYP) RTO 1st Platoon & Co. CP
8-67 to 8-68
SGT Miles D. Sawvel Jr. |
| (Surf) Squad Leader 2nd Platoon
8-67 to 8-68
SP4 Phillip L. Buice |
| Rifleman, 60mm Mortar 2nd Platoon
8-67 to 2-68
SP4 Thomas H. Birdsong |
8-67 to 8-68
SSG Robert E. Settan Jr. |
08-67 to 12-67
Bert G. Landau |
08-67 to 08-68
Jerry Walling |
08-67 to 10-69
CPT David W. Hockett |
| (Dave) Company Commander Bravo 1LT Platoon Leader 08-67 to 09-67, Charlie CPT Company Commander 09-69 to 10-69
8-67 to 7-68
SGT Russell R. Konst |
| (Cassius) Machine Gunner 2nd Platoon gun squad
8-67 to 8-68
SGT Henry R. Templin |
| (H.R.) Rifleman, Co Clerk 1st Platoon
08-67 to 08-68
John E. Rice |
9-67 to 9-68
SGT John B. Knoche Sr. |
| Squad Leader 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon
9-67 to 12-68
SGT Barrie Windell |
| M-79, RTO 2nd Platoon, SURF's squad
| Platoon Leader 4th Platoon
9-67 to 3-68
PFC Walter R. Shipman |
09-67 to 09-68
Robert H. Gainey |
09-67 to 09-68
SP4 Roy Dave Triplett |
| (Charlie Golf) RTO 2nd Sq, 2nd Plt
09-67 to 09-68
SP4 Larry Adkins |
| Rifleman 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
09-67 to 03-68
PFC Jesse Polanco |
| Rifleman 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
10-68 to 04-69
Michael L. Howard |
10-67 to 11-67
SSG Robert F. Clark |
| (3 zero yankee) Platoon SGT 3rd Platoon
10-67 to 3-68
1LT Thomas S. Hamblen |
10-67 to 10-68
Terry M. Lance |
11-67 to 11-68
SGT Thomas Wickware |
11-67 to 10-68
SGT Thomas M. Kehoe III |
| Rifleman/RTO 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
11-67 to 11-68
SP4 Neil A. Fanning |
11-67 to 11-68
Kelly Herrington |
11-67 to 6-69
SGT David A. Loudermilk |
| (Shotgun, Meatloaf) M79 Grenade Launcher (Thumper) 3rd Squad, 4th Platoon Also 1st Cook/Mess Sgt., HHQ. I would like to hear from anyone who remembers me, especially any of the cooks I served with, they were a great bunch of guys. I retired from the Army after 20+ years.
11-67 to 8-68
SP4 Gary P. McDonough |
| Rifleman, Chaplain Assistant
11-67 to 2-68
PFC James J. Holleran |
| (Jim) Infantryman/RTO 1st Platoon
12-67 to 12-68
SGT Victor J. DeMitchell |
| (Mitch) RTO 3rd Platoon Mark, Paul, Sal and Tom...you were the best. I'm sorry I could not help you that day. May God keep you in his arms. You will never be forgotten.
12-67 to 12-68
SGT Phillip A. Steinke |
12-67 to 12-68
SP4 Thomas W. Anderson |
| (Tom) Grunt 2nd Platoon
12-66 to 12-67
SGT Clifford H. Sterling |
12-67 to 7-68
SGT Harold McPherson |
| (Bronze Mike) Squad Leader, Plt Sgt Strike Plt, Recon
12-67 to 12-68
SP4 John A. Shafstall |
| (Rabbit) M-79, Rifleman, Mortar 4th Platoon
12-67 to 12-68
SGT Lawrence E. Edmister |
| (Eddie) Rifleman, RTO 1st Plt, 3rd Squad 3rd Plt, CP
1968 to 1969
Jack Edwards |
1968 to 1969
SP4 James C. Music |
1968 to 1969
SGT David A. Schmitke |
| Rifleman, FDC Weapons Squad, 4th Platoon
1968 to 1969
LeRoy L. George |
1968 to 1969
Robert G. Ross |
1968 to 1969
Donald A. Shakal |
1968 to 1969
Michael S. Keehr |
1968 to 1969
LTC Richard D. Wandke USA(RET) |
1968 to 1969
SGT Peter W. Buckley |
1968 to 1969
Joel H. Mayne II |
1968 to 1969
Timothy Baranyay |
| (Tim) 2nd Plt Light Weapons
1968 to 1969
Thomas Besaw |
1968 to 1969
Edward J. Falcey |
1968 to 1969
William H. Hoelle |
1968 to 1969
Dennis W. Harris |
1968 to 1969
Jerry L. Haderly |
1968 to 1969
John A. Wendell |
1968 to 1969
Edward J. Rumsey |
07/68 to 06/69
1LT Michael Kerr |
| Platoon Ldr, Co Commander
1968 to 1969
Michael A. Janeczko |
| (Snatch) Contact Mike if interested in Tours back to Vietnam. janeczkomichael@gmail.com
1968 to 1969
Vern H. Schwarze |
1968 to 1970
Walter Scott Waugh DDS |
1968 to 1969
Russell Stilwell |
1968 to 1969
Charlie Smith Jr. |
8-68 to 8-69
Savino (Sam) W. Sica |
| (Sam) Pointman 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon
1968 to 1969
Aubrey Polite |
1968 to 1969
Robert C. Phelps |
Kevin F. O'Connor, Sr. |
1968 to 1969
Michael K. Mariella |
1968 to 1969
Chris S. Haymond |
1968 to 1969
Glen C. Jeffrey Jr. |
1968 to 1969
Giles Richter |
1968 to 1969
William G. Sim |
1968 to 1969
Richard LeCausi |
12-68 to 12-69
Charles J. Marshall |
| Chaplain 1st Battalion Chaplain
1968 to 1969
Michael J. Peplaski |
01-68 to 12-68
Dennis C. Tiedt |
1967 to 1968
SGT Daniel K. Drummond |
1968 to 1969
Jack D. Farmer |
1968 to 1969
Kenneth R. McKune |
| (Ken)
1968 to 1969
Michael S. Stenftenagel |
1968 to 1969
SP4 Archie D. Sanders |
| (Arch) Rifleman 1st Platoon
1968 to 1968
Donald P. Chappell |
1968 to 1969
Joseph C. Carrier |
1968 to 1969
Douglas J. Flanagan |
1968 to 1969
William C. McDevitt |
1968 to 1969
Ralph Dennis Leebert |
1968 to 1969
Joe Driscoll |
1968 to 1969
William A. Griffin |
1968 to 1969
Jerre Gamble |
1968 to 1969
Wesley F. Izenhower |
1968 to 1969
Roy M. Snowden |
1-68 to 7-69
CSM Guy Sullivan, USA, (Ret) |
1968 to 1969
Craig F. MacGown |
1968 to 1969
Walter Gaworeki, Jr. |
1968 to 1968
Carroll Dennis Caudill |
1968 to 1969
Ronald L. Miller |
1968 to 1969
PFC Sam N. Spodofora |
1968 to 1969
SGT Charles W. Bonds |
| Squad Leader 1st platoon 3rd squad
1968 to 1969
SGT Salvatore Raccuglia |
| Sal passed away August,2016 from Agent Orange-related cancer
1968 to 1969
1SG William Coleman |
| First Sergeant August 1968-March 1969
1968 to 1969
Gary D. Koth |
1968 to 1969
SP4 Bob Sikora |
4-68 to 2-69
SGT Bailey B. Sutton |
2-68 to 1-69
Jim McDevitt |
2-68 to 2-69
Joe Skillings |
02-68 to 02-69
Anthony Nicastro |
02-68 to 02-69
SGT Carlton Campbell |
| (Okie) Machine Gunner 2nd Platoon
2-68 to 2-69
SGT Wilbur L. Williams |
| (Sgt or Will) Armorer Supply Sgt
3-68 to 8-68
PFC Gary V. Rose |
| (Doc Rose) Medic 3rd Platoon
03-68 to 03-69
Michael Burkhard |
3-68 to 10-68
SGT Fred Gruntler |
4-68 to 11-68
PFC Harry E. Hooven Jr. |
| (Butch) 60mm and Mortar Gunner 3rd and 4th Platoon
4-68 to 11-68
SP4 Rodger A. Leffler |
| Gun squad 2nd Platoon
4-68 to 10-68
SP4 Howard A. Johnson |
| (Professor) M79, Point, RTO
4-68 to 4-69
SP4 Paul J. Orick Jr. |
| (Tennessee) Squad Leader 3rd Platoon
4-68 to 3-69
SGT David M. Bowman |
| (Bud) Squad Leader 3rd Platoon
04-68 to 04-69
SP4 Larry T. Mitchell |
| (Mitch) Squad Leader 3rd Platoon-3rd Squad
04-68 to 02-69
SGT Otha W. Elam |
4-68 to 6-68
SP5 Bhron Dale Spivey |
| (Dale) Mortor Plt WIA 6-4-68; 8th Calvary 9-68 to 1-69; 543rd Svc Personnel 1-69 to 11-69
04-68 to 03-69
Melvin L. Riebesehl, Jr. |
4-68 to 4-69
SGT Richard R. Lysinger |
| M79, Point, RTO 1st Platoon
4-68 to 6-68
1LT James M. Cooke |
| (Oil Can) Platoon Leader 4th Platoon
06-68 to 10-68
MG William L. Mundie, USA (Ret) |
6-68 to 1-69
SP4 Stephen Holland |
| (Buzzy) M-60 Machine Gunner 2nd Platoon, gun squad
6-68 to 6-69
SP4 Harlan Kaufman |
| (Koof) RTO (cp) 3rd Platoon
6-68 to 6-69
SGT Joseph G. Farmer |
| (Joe) Squad Leader, Platoon SGT 1st & 3rd Squads, 3rd Platoon
6-68 to 6-69
SP4 Earl Moon |
| (Moondog) FO Also C 1/35th
7-68 to 3-69
SGT David L. Corum |
7-68 to 7-69
SP4 Roger Stitt |
| Asst. Machine Gunner 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
07-68 to 07-69
SP4 Jerome Bennett |
8-68 to 1-69
SP4 Frank Debilio |
8-67 to 8-68
SP4 Rick Blomberg |
8-68 to 8-69
Phillip A. Strommen |
| 11 Bravo, Company Clerk 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon
8-68 to 1-69
SP4 Donald H. Walter |
08-68 to 02-69
SP5 Joseph J. Whitener |
08-68 to 08-69
Lawrence Roger Seeley |
| (Larry) Rifleman Purple Heart
9-68 to 5-69
SSG Stephen H. Capkovitz |
| (Cappy) Platoon SGT 4th Platoon
9-68 to 9-69
SP4 Joseph C. Crowley |
| (Joe) Infantry 2nd Platoon
9-68 to 8-69
SP5 Michael I. Hallaert |
| (Mike) Company Clerk, S-2 HQ
9-68 to 5-69
SGT Tommy T. McRoberts |
09-68 to 02-69
Sam Laughery |
09/68 to 09/69
SGT Robert R. Spilman |
| (Bob (Turdle)) Point man, RTO, Squad Leader 3rd platoon - 3rd squad
09-68 to 09-69
SGT Hartwell Wright |
09-68 to 09-69
SP4 Tom Cicero |
9-68 to 8-69
SP4 David A. Fogg |
| (Youngblood) 11 Bravo 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon
9-68 to 9-69
SP4 Raymond L. Maylen |
10-67 to 10-68
SP4 David J. Lougee |
| (Gypsy) 4th Platoon & CP
10-68 to 10-69
SSG John B. Lavender |
| (Jack Purple) Squad Leader 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon Would like to here from any interested person.
10-68 to 12-69
SGT Mitchell Hagge |
| Recon, Company Clerk Recon
10-68 to 08-69
James E. Brown |
11/68 to 11/69
SP4 Jose Deleon |
11/68 to 11/69
Edward J. Lakous |
11-68 to 10-69
Ronald David Estes |
11-68 to 10-69
LTC James L. Tefteller, USA (Ret) |
12-68 to 12-69
SGT William R. Wilds |
| (Wildman) Squad Leader - Mortars 2nd Squad 4th platoon Married to Donna and have two boys..John and Jeff who are married and on their own. Joined the Illinois State Police in 1972 and retired at the end of 1998 and I am really enjoying retirement. Like to travel and enjoy golfing and fishing.
12-68 to 03-69
PFC William H. Parker |
12-68 to 12-69
Ralph B. Holtby |
12-68 to 12-69
SGT Robert W. Bonds Jr. |
| (Poke) Recon
1969 to 1969
Stephen H. Abare |
1-69 to 1-70
SGT Keith A. Krauss |
| Rifleman After getting out of the service, I've been working for the Dept of Motor Vehicles for 30 years. My wife Vicky and I have two children, Richard 20 and Kristina 13.
1969 to 1970
Rex J. Banter |
1969 to 1970
Michael D. Shaw |
1969 to 1970
Eugene W. Capitani |
1969 to 1970
Peter J. Manuguerra |
1969 to 1970
Phillip R. Russ |
1969 to 1970
COL Kenneth J. Munnell USA (Ret) |
1969 to 1970
Jerry Vennette, Sr. |
| Jerry passed away on Jan 8, 1988 of Lung Cancer. He was not a heavy smoker.
1969 to 1970
Michael R. Gormally |
1969 to 1970
Richard G. Marinel |
1969 to 1970
John R. Grocki |
1969 to 1970
James D. Catterlin |
1969 to 1970
David T. Wallin |
1969 to 1970
George E. Storey |
1969 to 1970
Dale E. Sanson |
1969 to 1970
Stanley Hallman |
1969 to 1969
COL Don C. English, USA (Ret) |
1969 to 1970
Jack Wisneski |
1-69 to 1-70
SP4 Robert K. Kelly |
| (Rusty) M-60 Gunner 3rd Platoon
01/69 to 01/70
SGT Bill Ward |
| (Red) Grunt, Squad Leader, RTO 1st Platoon
01-69 to 01-70
SP4 Richard Eicke |
1-69 to 2-69
PFC Charles E. Hoffman |
| (C=Charlie Horse) FO/RTO 81mm Mortar Platoon
1-69 to 1-70
SGT William L. Smith |
02-69 to 12-70
Tim McDonald |
3-69 to 3-70
SGT Richard F. Gallina |
| (Rick) Squad Leader/FO 4.2 Mortar, Recon Platoon
03/69 to 12/69
SGT Larry R. Lewter |
03/69 to 03/70
SP5 George W. Smiley |
| (Smiley) RTO/ Company Clerk CP/ HQ
3-69 to 8-69
SGT M. Gary Metcalf |
| TOC S-3 RTO Shift Leader HHC-Field TOC
4-69 to 4-70
SP4 James Fedney Sr. |
4-69 to 8-69
PFC F A. Richardson |
| (Airborne) Grenadier 1st Platoon
4-69 to 3-70
SGT Alan J. Hoffman |
| RTO 2nd Squad, 1st Platoon
05-69 to 03-70
SGT Terry J. Bruning |
| Recon sniper, company clerk
05-69 to 03-70
SP4 Robert F. Perry |
| Team Leader, Point Man 3rd Platoon
05-69 to 04-70
SP4 Harry A. Hudson |
| Direction Center 4.2 Mortar Platoon
6-69 to 3-70
SGT James E. Littlejohn |
6-69 to 5-70
SGT Reinhard T. Thamm |
| Squad Leader 3rd Platoon
6-69 to 6-70
SP4 Thomas Miksch |
6-69 to 7-69
PFC Dennis D. Krause |
06-69 to 11-69
PFC Martin Reagan |
06-69 to 06-70
SGT Thomas E. Hewett |
06-69 to 04-70
SFC David Neal Muxo |
| (Dave) Squad Leader 3rd Squad, 3rd Platoon Also served with 1/14th from 4-70 to 6-70. Eight years Army Reserves
7-69 to 12-69
2LT James R. Beddingfield |
| Platoon Leader 1st and 3rd Platoons
07-69 to 07-70
MAJ William J. Bowman, USA (Ret) |
7-69 to 3-70
COL Jeffrey C. Rogers USA(Ret) |
| (LT) Platoon Leader 3rd Platoon
7-69 to 7-70
SGT Charles A. Flesch |
8-68 to 8-69
SSG Edwin L. Corman |
08-69 to 03-70
SGT Stephen V. Ezell |
09-69 to 09-70
Wayne P. Gass |
9-69 to 5-70
SGT Julius Kimmie |
| Squad Leader 1st Squad, 3rd Platoon
9-69 to 2-70
SP4 Auburn K. Griffin, Jr. |
10-69 to 3-70
SGT Jacques Smith |
1972 to 1975
SP4 George Rose |
1972 to 1975
SGT Jerry Wayne Humphrey |
06-72 to 02-76
CPL Larry Frias Jr. |
| (Frosty) Squad Leader/Grunt 1st Platoon 2nd Squad
06-72 to 09-73
PFC Daryl L. Woodruff |
| (Woody) reconnaissance - machine gunne 4th platoon-2nd squad
8-72 to 5-75
SGT Scott Jones |
| Squad Leader 2nd Squad, Recon Platoon
09-72 to 06-75
SGT Jeff Russell |
09/72 to 06/75
SGT Greg Skiles |
| Fire team Leader 2nd platoon, 1st squad
09/72 to 06/75
SP4 Don Ruch |
| Rifleman 2nd platoon 2 squad
10-72 to 12-73
SP4 Eugene Cawley |
5-75 to 5-78
SP4 William E. Chambless |
| (Chumley) Gunner FDC Four Deuce Plt
09-75 to 03-78
SGT Michael R. McCarty |
| (Mike) Section Leader AT Platoon
10-75 to 6-78
SP4 Ron Shelton |
| (Frank) Truck Driver Supply and Transportation
1976 to 1979
SGT Terry L. Short |
| M60 Gunner, Squad Leader 1st Platoon
06-76 to 02-80
SP4 Vincent Simmons |
04/77 to 09/79
SP4 Steven Ingram O'Meara |
| (Doc Ingram) Line Medic Bravo Co. Line Medic
06-77 to 11-79
SP4 Mark W. Brittain |
| Truck Driver/Motorpool Mortar Squad
11-77 to 08-80
SP4 Steven M. Elwood |
02-79 to 02-81
SGT William C. Haggerty |
8/79 to 4/82
SP4 Francis P. Bryant |
| (Peabo) 11H Missile Gunner 3rd Squad, 2nd Plt, CSC
11/79 to 11/82
SSG Michael S. McLendon |
| (Mac) Team leader & Squad Leader 3rd Plt
1980 to 1981
SP4 John J. Wolfe |
01-80 to 11-81
SGT Gary A. Mack |
| Squad Leader Anti-Tank platoon
06-80 to 10-83
SGT J. W. Albright |
| (Friz-b) 1st Squad 3rd Plt
9-80 to 9-83
SP4 Mark E. Mangione |
| Rifleman 2nd Squad, 2nd Platoon
1981 to 1985
COL David Brown, USA |
06-81 to 09-83
PFC James M. Sigue |
| (Mike) 60 gunner 1st platoon-2nd squad
1982 to 1984
PFC Ward Cinnamon |
1983 to 1986
1LT Gary Pultro |
| Rifle Platoon Leader 1st Platoon
7-83 to 1-86
SP4 Jeffrey A. McKinniss |
2-84 to 1-87
SGT Frank S. Lofton |
| Squad Leader 3rd Squad, 1st Platoon
2-84 to 3-87
SGT Ulises V. Calvo |
| (Uli) Mortar Squad Ldr Weapons Platoon
08-84 to 09-86
SGT Ronald Dunlap |
11/84 to 10/87
SFC Thomas E. Blainey |
4-85 to 4-86
1LT Joseph D. Fish |
01-86 to 09-88
SP4 Victor G. Sanchez |
| (Vic) M-60 Gunner 4th Squad, 1st Platoon
1986 to 1988
SP4 Mike Juengling |
| Team Ldr, Anti Tank PLT AT, HHC PLT
86 to 87
SP4 Steven M. Whisman |
| (Whiz) Saw Gunner 3rd Squad, 2nd Platoon I arrived in the 1/35th just months before they re-designated to 4/27 Wolfhounds.