Active Cacti
Scofield Barracks, Hawaii
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Kimberly and David King, SGT King B Company 2/35th
Kimberly, Doc DeRosa, David
Lorts, Kimberly, David
Spec Marble, Spec Enos
SGT Garner, our tour guide
SFC Baretto, 1st Platoon
John Lorts, B 2/35th, 1st Plt. 1966
Doc DeRosa, B 2/35th, 1st Plt. 4-66 to 4-67
Doc DeRosa, John Lorts
Grenade House
Lorts, Doc Riggins, Doc Hobbs, Doc DeRosa
Practice before entering the Grenade House
Captain Moyes, B Company Commander
Preparing to enter Grenade House
Preparing to enter Grenade House
Entering Grenade House
Searching Grenade House
Critique of entry
At the ready
Entering room
Lorts, SGT Smith
Doc DeRosa, Lorts, SGT Garner eating MRE's
Doc Riggins, Lt. Hamilton, 3rd Platoon
Doc DeRosa firing M4 carbine
Doc DeRosa firing M4 cargine
Lorts firing M4 carbine
Lorts firing M4 carbine
Lorts firing M4 carbine
Doc DeRosa firing M4 carbine
Lorts firing M249saw
Lorts, Lt. Colonel McBride, CPT Moyes
Waiting to enter
Lorts, Spec Rolley and shotguns
Doc DeRosa, Spec Rolley and shotgun