Cacti Vietnam Photos
T.J. Blue, 1/35 1966-67
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Dec 11-back in Pleiku and time for a beer.
Tony Caggiano & new CO Ed Nealon with company mascot Shithead
Bravo Company rifle platoon leaders - Hancock, Blue & Caggiano
Men of the 1st Platoon
1-35 Inf CO, LTC Robert C. Kingston & XO MAJ Henry Doctor
Looking south from TF camp, new Pleiku Airport & Camp Holloway in distance
Dec 14, Plei Sor Ngol; Mountanard Villlage
MAJ Garold Tippen, new Bn S3 talking to MAJ Fred DeLisle, Bde S3 & CPT Robert Baker Bn S4
Doc with the Montanard kids
LTC Kingston and Kit Carson Scout Ben
AF FAC & CPT Caudillo, Co C (KIA Apr 67) drinking rice wine, Bn Surgeon CPT Tom Cotton behind
One of my platoon guys playing with the kids
CPT Ed Nealon & new 1st Sgt Harry Butler, Co B, CPT Caudillo, Co C & Ben the Bn Kit Carson Scout
Gifts for all of our Mountanard allies
1st Sgt Harry Butler with gifts for the kids (toothpaste & brushes)
Dec 16, 1966_ 4th ID Base, Camp Holloway for Bob Hope
Bob Hope and his troop
Feb 1967 Chow line at Company Base in the Nui Mieu Valley
MAJ 'O.D.' Robert Drudic, Bn XO with Ed Nealon & MSG from 3-4 Cav
Co B Base near Cai Tuong on Rt 505
Co B Base Camp with South China Sea in distance
From Company base looking WNW_ hamlet of Cai Tuong a
Helping to build a new market in Cai Tuong
Villagers using hand tools to build the new market pavillion
Morning market
New 1st Sgt Tinnant
2nd Platoon PSG Jack Pollard
1LT Don Keith, Artillery Forward Observer
Joe Wise & Ed Nealon doing laundry & other necessities
Protestant church services
Catholic church services
Teenage girl in village - Little Jade Tooth
Village water buffalo
Nha ThoMarket place Dedication - Ed Nealon talking to Region Force Cdr; Bn Cdr, MAJ Moore looks on
MAJ Moore, MAJ Schneider, Bde S5 & CPT Nealon
South China Sea
South China Sea near Tan Phung (Hill 142 on right)
From the Nui Mieu Mountains looking east to the South China Sea
From the Nui Mieu Mountains looking east to the South China Sea
LZ Uplift